Removing 96 navara transferbox.any tips/tricks

bigmacca, Dec 26, 5:49pm
finally getting round tu it.have removed driveshafts and lowered torsion bar xmember.once undone from rear of gearbox transfer box should just slide off right!will i need to drain gearbox fluid or are they seperated via a rear seal!cheers

mugenb20b, Dec 27, 2:15am
I've never done a Navara transfer box removal before, but in theory, it should just slide off. The transfer box oil is separate from the gearbox oil.

snoopy221, Dec 27, 2:22am
Yip-they slide off

Yip- it'll leak gearbox oil if ya don't drain it as ya removing the seal off the shaft it seals on.

A Note- they are heavy and the weight will make em turn-therefore set up a couple of adjustable axle stands BEFORE ya undo it- then refitting is easier.(Also while out a new rear seal is advisable-and lube the seal with rubber grease or oil-or vaseline on it's lips before reassembly-K

ml6989, Dec 27, 2:23am
The gearbox oil is separate from transfer box, but if my memory is correct, one of them will leak out once the transfer box is removed but I can't remember which. They come apart easily once bolts are removed.

bigmacca, Dec 27, 2:38am
cheers guys.have done all of the above.came out piece of had buggered main bearings.just waiting for the new box now.main issue was clearing the torsion bar xmember.patience and lots of

rob_man, Dec 27, 3:46am
Been through that with a D21, had to drop the torsion bars out. Bastard creation of a thing.