Bicycle registration

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dr.doolittle, Jan 23, 1:02am
I couldnt afford it.

toyboy3, Jan 23, 1:05am
I hear your bike hasn't been used much

hatchback, Jan 23, 1:54am
get over it

planespotterhvn, Jan 23, 1:57am
That pedal in the middle.
Thems the brakes!
Slow down until its safe to pass.
Most cyclist either have one or more registered cars they are not using at the time or they are kids who have parents who register motor vehicles and pay taxes.
So the roads are fully paid for by the cyclists or the parents of the kid cyclists.
Just back off and give a little courtesy and stop being such a road bully.

neville48, Jan 23, 2:02am
yea like we need another "tax" disguised as something else, better to direct yur efforts to reducing what we pay now or maybe getting value for money for what we do pay now.

pebbles61, Jan 23, 3:15am
Funny, didn't stop the C you nts in wellington putting my bike rego to over $500 a year.

a18a, Jan 23, 4:33am
oh i like that logic! i have 1 registered car, so i should be allowed to drive my other ones unregistered cause I'm already paying for one to be on the road. sweet

panelvanner, Jan 23, 5:40am
Don't see why not! Have a Personal vehicle register, and be able to drive any of a number of vehicles as long as its "On your list". BUT that won't happen, no money to be made, or be equal to all your vehicles single regs over 1 year could be very costly.

peja, Jan 23, 5:50am
Actually this is pretty much how it is done in Switzerland - rego is assigned to the driver, not the vehicle. Wondered why I saw so many seemingly unregoed cars sitting on the side of the road with no plates in Zurich until I learnt that

aquashell, Jan 23, 5:58am
# 1 Just wait your turn!
Cat registration comes first!

peja, Jan 23, 6:40am
As much as I like this idea in theory, in practice it just doesnt work. It has failed where it has been tried!AID=/20100305/NEWS/3050328

Too difficult to enforce too - even the helmet laws are not being enforced going on what I see around me, as other people have pointed out on this thread. And a rego plate/ sticker etc is a hell of a lot harder to see and easier to fake than a helmet

elect70, Jan 23, 7:26pm
Take it out of their weeklyallowance,or mummy & daddyjust pay for it . They are road users like everybody else .

elect70, Jan 23, 7:35pm
Easy revenue,copgoes toall schools &checks bike rego, those unregisteredwill be siezed &unless pay the fee & fine they will be crushed . That'l teach the little buggers somepersonal responsibilityforlater in life

bitsy_boffin, Jan 23, 8:54pm
Introducing more compliance and necessary policing thereof is not what should be done.

What should be done is to remove ACC levies, all of them, and fund all ACC claims from a slight increase to company and income taxes.

In theory, a net-zero transaction, indeed a cost reducing one with less to administer.

tmcs1, Jan 23, 9:21pm
If you need to pass a cyclist, just indicate and pass you would any other vehicle. Simple

chevcamaro, Jan 23, 9:42pm
thems just speed bumps bro
cycle on MY road at your own risk
lefties rule

lmcrae, Jan 24, 2:23am
Most motorcyclists pay rego on a car too, but we still have to pay to ride our bikes on the road.

johnf_456, Jan 24, 2:27am
That is the better way to go, especially us mechanics with multiple cars, then the boats and car trailers. lol

johnf_456, Jan 24, 2:28am
On some road that is just plain not practical, take some roads out west auckland. The road is barely wide enough for a car or even wide car let alone give the cyclist 1.5m with traffic coming the other way. They are a hazard

supernova2, Jan 24, 2:32am
Silly as that might sound it makes sense to me.No matter how many cars I have I have yet to find a way to drive more than one at a time.

andrewrender, Jan 25, 2:49am
A couple of questions for OP-

What percentage of the registration cost cars goes towrds local roads!

Who is responsible for the maintainence of Local Roads that the majority of cyclists like myself use!

I don't know the answer to the first one but the local road maintainence is the responsibilty of the local council and as far as I am aware they recieve no money from vehilce licensing. The only income stream for a council to maintaiin the majority of roads used by cyclists, is our rates, parking fines and if you hAppen to live in Auckland, Bus Lanes

urbanrefugee54, Jan 25, 4:20am
I would like to point out that the distance between bikes & cars - doesn't mention which has to move out the way of the other - only that what the distance should be between the two of them. bikes in any open road area should have: mirrors - high vis jackets - lights front & back. after all motorbikes have to have their lights on full time now.

trogedon, Jan 25, 12:22pm
It says that bicycles should keep as far left as practicable. That doesn't mean riding in the gravel or not evading the potholes. Bicycles are required to have front and back lights for riding at night - just like other vehicles.

nzdoug, Jan 25, 12:30pm
The courts and jailswould be clogged with 7 year olds for no wof.

lalbagh, Jan 25, 12:38pm
Cyclists and pedestrians also have the right to use the roads, just as cars do. The answer lies in due care and consideration by all, and respect for the rules.
It is the lack of the latter that makes me wish cycles had registrations. Then I could report the ones who sail happily through red lights, including the one who almost took out a young pedestrian crossing on the green man and continued arrogantly on his way, sailing straight through the next red also. It is the lack of a rego plate that lets them get away with it with impunity. Shame a few idiots ruin it for the majority of ordinary, law abiding cyclists