every cyclist you see, means one less car in your road
Jan 25, 2:18pm
cutting thru traffic, not putting up with things that delay car drivers is the right & privilege that comes with riding a push bike
Jan 25, 4:33pm
There are responsibilities too = obeying the law and looking out for other road users.
Jan 27, 2:20am
All those shoulder widenings and green cycle boxes at the lights aren't free you know lol
Also it's more so for the ACC fees I feel they should pay. If I have to pay $450ish in ACC (or around that), why shouldn't the guy on the bicycle or scooter!
Jan 27, 2:13pm
oh so your concerned by the cost of ACC on the country
i think your going to be much more worried by ball-sports players than you ever will by cyclists after you look at the numbers involved
you will also be DISGUSTED by the amount spent on drunks
Jan 27, 2:30pm
Haven't really got to many issues with cyclist .but.lol here we have paid [ from rates ] really nice cycle lanes witch the cyclist petitioned for and really were needed.yes you guessed it they are hardly used.very dangerous bit of road to
Jan 27, 2:59pm
Here's what gets me. I pay for the priviledge of using a road. This is through registration costs which are largely apportioned to ACC levies on the assumption that at some point in my life I will crash. Each time I go to the pump I am taxed yet again with that tax take being divied up between ACC, roading & environment.
If I were to ride a motorcycle I would be hit even harded with the ACC levy come registration time because statistically I would be more likely to crash and that crash would likely cause more serious injury.
Bicycles riders however have no obligations at all. They fall off, often requiring medical attention and ACC but contribute nothing to the levies. They (and this doesnt apply to all) can be seen as A causal factor in many traffic incidents - think riding two abreast down main arterial routes in rush hour traffic. Try driving through a 50k zone on the way home from work and turning left.
My thinking is to restrict bikes and their idiotic riders to cycleways. Let's face it, you wouldn't drive your car on a train track so why ride your bike on a road made for automobiles!
Jan 27, 3:03pm
but bycycles dont wear out the roads
& transport isnt a "privilige" - & freedom of movement is a "right"
if your choice of transport requires you 3 weeks to get from auckland to wellington so be it
why should you pay when you dont add any damage
ACC costsisnt an argument
Jan 27, 3:07pm
Creating road improvements for all road users do not pay for themselves.
And why isn't the ACC costs a valid argument! It's pretty bloody valid for motorcycle owners.
Jan 27, 3:14pm
because ACC covers a lot of unnecessary treatment that far exceeds the tiny amount of cyclist injuries
so much so that before those are addressed, cyclists are a non-argument
cyclists may use the roads, but they dont wear them out.
theres no comparison between a 15 kg vehicle powered by 500 watts to a 1500 kg vehicle putting down 200 nm of torque
it seems to be mainly just spite on the car drivers behalf
Jan 27, 3:15pm
Maybe ACC should be removed in favour of a privatised health system or enable those who wish to pay for private health be able to opt out of ACC. You pay ACC from your pay packet then from registrations as well. Seems like double dipping to me. If you didn't have to pay ACC levies you could get private health insurance for about the same. Now you get ripped off if you have private insurance by paying ACC as well.
Jan 27, 3:33pm
Then I wish to use the same argument for motorcycle ACC.
As for wearing them out, no one says they do, but as I said, they want their cycle lanes (which need paint marking done as well as a pavement), cycle box at the front of lights, rest bars and crossings on motorway/expressway on ramps etc.
That stuff is not cheap.
Jan 27, 3:35pm
so get your fellow car drivers to behave properly towards cyclists, & we wouldnt need special space separating us
Jan 27, 3:36pm
I thought it was 1.5 inches.
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