Buying a vehicle with high kms and engine rebuild

disco_super_fly, Mar 4, 4:11am
Does this essentially mean the body of the vehicle has done high kms, but the engine is made of new parts! Or could it indicate a newer (but second hand engine which still has done a few kms) has been put in!

a.woodrow, Mar 4, 4:35am
You would have to ask the owner of the vehicle. Some people think fitting a new headgasket is a rebuild, some think that a lower km engine is the same as a rebuild. Very rarely has an engine actually been properly rebuilt i.e. with all new parts. If this is claimed, I'd want to see some evidence from the seller

1rad8, Mar 4, 4:49am
It should mean the body still has the high ks but the engine was taken out and rebuilt,taken apart,cleaned and newer parts put in to replace worn out ones,all done by a engine builder.Ask for rebuild receipt or even parts receipts if it was a home job rebuild.
Replacing an old engine for a second-hand one is not a rebuild.

franc123, Mar 4, 5:20am
Two words, Itemised Receipts. Claims of full rebuilds on engines nowadays should raise eyebrows, its very rarely done except on commercial vehicles that are still in good condition and worth reasonable money, and even then its been done because somethings failed, often due to neglect. You need to find out what went wrong, who did the work, what they did and what was replaced before agreeing to buy. If you can't understand the invoices find someone that does.

kazbanz, Mar 4, 1:10pm
What Franc said--otherwise you are buying the car indicated by the TRUE odo reading and no more--ie ignore rebuild claims and view the car for what it apears to be on veiwing

intrade, Mar 4, 1:16pm
most people who call there engines rebuilt are liars. squeezing in new rings in a worn out boor is no rebuild, also anyone whom claims his cambelt just been done generally lies also. out of all car i purchased only one has had its cambelt done when the owner claimd it had been. full rebuilds are 4 grand upwards in recipts for a 4 pot engine

elect70, Mar 4, 9:00pm
Knew a guy who bought a classic merc at auction .He bought acomplete newengine direct from MB ,camewithnew altenator, starter i,gnition system, injectors etcIn a plastic bagready to drop in, cost!- he wouldnt say.$$$ .BMWdo the same

phillip.weston, Mar 4, 9:06pm
Let's not forget that even with a 0km engine fitted the rest of the body, interior, suspension and probably the driveline too has done the same high kms as the motor had originally done.

That being said I frequently buy higher kms cars which have been well looked after with a good service history - I much prefer that over a low kms car which hasn't been looked after and potentially in worse condition than the high kms example - you also are able to buy an example newer for the same price or get a similar year for a much lower price.

franc123, Mar 5, 12:01am
Good advice PW, tales of people being burnt twice by shelling out a fortune upfront for One Granny Owner vehicles because they are outwardly tidy and have low kms, and then being burnt again by expensive repairs are surprisingly common.For what it costs them overall they could have bought something much later model and possibly not had to deal with any repair issues at all over and above the usual wear and tear stuff.Why people think that automatically buying low km gives them some sort of a protection barrier against possible repair costs is anyones guess.Vehicle abuse takes several forms, and one of the biggest is not servicing correctly because "oh I don't do very many miles dear" and then running the thing cold once or twice a week for a couple of kms and never warming it up, or just as bad letting the thing cold idle before driving it to warm it up!

mrfxit, Mar 5, 12:53am
ThatIS a basic rebuild concept.
Eg: new rings/ bearing shells/ gaskets & new anything that HAS TO BE DONE only.

What you are referring to is a full recondition.
Rebore with NEW everything almost regardless of needing or not, new pistons & rings/ crank & cam grinds/ gaskets /seals etc etc

There are in fact several reasonable levels of a "rebuild" that don't require a full recon