A written independent vehicle valuation

alpinej, Mar 24, 8:33pm
A written independent valuation (sighted) from a Licensed Motor Vehicle Dealer, to the satisfaction of MARAC.

How do I get one!

phillip.weston, Mar 24, 8:37pm
I would start by going to a licensed motor vehicle dealer.

NZTools, Mar 24, 9:07pm
Me too. I have a hunch that the only people that would be able to give written valuations from licensed motor vehicle dealers, would be licensed motor vehicle dealers.

On a side note, i'm getting a strong feeling that the human race is
Getting dumber by theweek.

alpinej, Mar 24, 9:13pm
I am buying the vehicle privately, I'm in Wellington and the car is in Hastings. Would I need to get the seller to take it to a licensed motor dealer to get valued!

phillip.weston, Mar 24, 9:18pm
Yes. Most dealers would do a valuation (for a fee of course). I had to get two valuations for my car in order to insure it for its full value and I simply just drove it to a couple car yards who were willing to write out a valuation for a reasonable value.

mrfxit, Mar 24, 9:28pm
Call your local franchise dealer & ask them to arrange an appointment in the other place to get the valuation done by their other branch.
It will cost a small fee but is a fairly easy & reliable way to get it done.

kazbanz, Mar 24, 11:14pm
Well a dealer aint gonna head to the sellers place to look at a car for you are they!
A dealer will charge you between $40 and $100 for a registered valuation
more likely around the 40 mark

m16d, Mar 25, 12:50am
Just let the dealer know that your looking for a new car and he'll do the valuation for nothing.
Anywaymost of them ask you.how much do you want me to put on it.