Caldina or Noah?

reggienz, Feb 12, 12:44am
Friend looking at a 97 caldina with 287K's $3500, and a 99 Noah with240K's, for $2700 . Both in pretty reasonable condition. Which would be the better vehicle, regardless of carrying capacity

alimac1, Feb 12, 12:55am
Caldina. Who in their right mind would drive something called a Noah?

grangies, Feb 12, 12:56am
The Noah will have more carrying space, due to the head room.

You can stack way more gear on top of the other.

lissa25, Feb 12, 12:57am
Two of everything? They both seem over priced to me.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 12, 1:02am
+1, why would you when you can buy a Multipla for that?

lissa25, Feb 12, 1:08am
I like the Multipla for 2 reasons;
1: It is unique
2: It is the only car on the road with boobs
Would I own one? Not on your nelly!

franc123, Feb 12, 1:19am
The asking price for the Caldina is roughly twice what it should be. The question is what your friend needs it to do? Noah clearly has more cargo area, if they need comfortable seating and do highway driving then a Caldina (at $1800 or so) plus probably new cambelt and get servicing fully up to date would be better. If they sat down and worked out exactly what was required, there might be better suited options than either of those.

kazbanz, Feb 12, 1:20am
You can't make a statement like that sorry.
better vehicle? well a pre purchase inspection will decide which is mechanically better.
better for what? Both very similar mechanically and neither has a rep for mechanical issues.

grangies, Feb 12, 1:44am
Not the point. They asked which vehicle can carry the most.

grangies, Feb 12, 1:47am
LOL. I just re read it. And I originally thought it said "in regards" as opposed to regardless . LOLOLOL Hahaha

tintop, Feb 12, 2:13am
Boobs? BOOBS? Where ? ?

mack77, Jun 21, 9:56am
Neither vehicle is any good IMHO as they both have poor safety ratings.