Ok, I went to a bike shop on the weekend. Bike on runout sale for $12999. Said to the guy what's your best deal, he said he could do it for $12500 at cost. Ok couple of days go by and I phone up to say I'll have it, email me the total with a couple of extras and price comes back $400 ish more than the verbal price. He's backtracking a bit now since I've called him on it, talking to the boss. Should I stick to my guns and aim to get the $12500 price? Or shop around. Others available out of town at similar deals online.
Jul 8, 1:54am
If he is going back on his word, do you want to trust someone like that? I suppose it depends on how far away the next dealer is. If it is only 15 minutes or so away, go there!
Jul 8, 1:57am
Yeah the others will be a $350 delivery charge away, but it might be worth the debate. Now he says cost is $12700, hmmmm. Will see in the morning but a bit miffed.
Jul 8, 2:12am
Were the 'couple of extras' included in the first price he gave you?
Jul 8, 2:16am
Nope even taking into account the full price of the extras he's way above the first verbal price. First time buying a new vechiles and getting this, should have expected it I guess. Certainly taking the shine of the experiance. Not really interested in haggling,hes already given me a price! That's what I bought into.
Jul 8, 2:26am
he gave you a price verbally for $12500, you the add extras on after the initial verbal quote which comes back at $12700. $200 extra for the add ons not bad i would have thought. still below runout price of $12999. whats the bike and what are the add ons?
Jul 8, 2:28am
The trouble with the distant option is, where will you get it serviced to maintain your warranty, the local guy will screw you if you go there. Also if you push him re price quoted, odds are he will get it back with interest further down the track.
Sometimes when these things happen, warning bells are ringing, and it is a chance to stand back and cool off a bit, and see if another local dealer has something that works out better overall.
Jul 8, 2:30am
did the price include orc when you asked the first time?
Mar 7, 4:17am
Yep happy to pay the verbal price quoted. Happy to pay full price for the add ons. Not so happy about the random $400 on top of that. Servicing from an out of Towner would be an issue but just feeling a bit annoyed at him going back on his word, I want the bike TODAY lol. Been talking myself out of it for years, now I'm committed I get this. grrr It's a dirtbike so no ORC.
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