Will you ever drive an electric car?

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mals69, Dec 23, 3:57am
Speed where it is at for me - seeing that old datsun take down a 2015 vette
quickly took the gloss of the american muscle.
Rather back a future racehorse than a present donkey.

Sub 1 sec times to 60 will not be like the lotto slogan - imagine - it will be a reality.

loose.unit8, Dec 23, 4:26am
I'd drive one now.

Although not a Prius or Leaf.

Once I get a house with a decent garage space I'm going to convert an rx7 batman to electric.

Would love a tesla of course!

carstauranga001, Dec 23, 5:13am
I'd like to place an order for a 2015 Corvette at $69,500 thanks mate. Get me a red one. When will it be here?

peja, Dec 23, 5:37am
I can definitely see it as a possibility, especially if there is a nuclear war in the Middle East which isnt at all unlikely. Certainly if I was commutting in and out every day in traffic I would look at one. Currently I cycle, and the reason is not fuel costs, even with a V8, but parking cost - $24 a day.

gram, Dec 23, 7:51am
I'd be interested in a small shopping basket sized one. Electric Jazz or similar.

tgray, Dec 23, 8:01am
I landed a 2014 for $75,000 earlier this year.
a quarter was rounding it off.

mals69, Dec 23, 10:46am
What vehicle has had the most torque you have driven ? (pin ya back in
ya seat torque)

tgray, Dec 23, 11:50am
That one comes close, but probably a friends Cobra replica. He took the big block Ford V8 out and put in a Toyota V8 along with various other modifications.
I thought he was crazy at the time, but he convinced me it was lighter and more powerful and was a wise thing to do.
He was right.

mals69, Dec 23, 11:58am
So the power to weight ratio made acceleration pretty instant
and gave you feeling of being pinned in the seats good ?
Interesting with those toyota motors being small cubed and resonably
low torque for a V8 - thought you would of said latest supercharged

lookoutas, Dec 23, 2:17pm

fordcrzy, Dec 23, 2:28pm
id love to build a kit car using an EV drivetrain. a lotus 7 or similar just for short blats of sub 400km around the back roads

tgray, Dec 23, 2:38pm
I have never driven one but would like to.
The NZ dollar isn't high enough to make bringing one in work right now.

fordcrzy, Dec 23, 4:42pm

stevo2, Dec 24, 1:19am

fordcrzy, Dec 24, 2:59am
Tgray will have a coniption at this. an electric MX5 running 9.28 at 145MPH. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyjbuS_JyPU

tgray, Dec 24, 3:18am
There's no denying that modified, expensive electric powered cars can go very fast for very short periods of time.
I think the day we see cheap, reliable mass produced electric cars that can do under 4 secs to 60mph or 12 sec quarter miles are still a long way off.

tgray, Dec 24, 3:22am
Well, other performance brands are going down that road, but there's too much of a fan base for traditionally powered GM sports cars for it to be anything but a niche market.
If they did, there is little doubt it would be quicker.

peja, Dec 24, 3:41am
Absolutely true, but for many people out there 0-60 in 25-30 seconds would be perfectly adequate, they just need cheap and reliable. If someone is just commutting to/from work and doing shopping with it, or doing around town deliveries, cheap reliable electric cars that fulfil these needs are just about here already

loose.unit8, Dec 24, 3:50am
How big would a gap in traffic have to be to be able to be to get in and up to speed, even around town, with a car only capable of 0-60 in 25 seconds?

peja, Dec 24, 4:06am
True, although most electric cars seem to have quite good acceleration, its range thats the issue

mals69, Dec 24, 4:52am

fordcrzy, Dec 24, 5:18am
ill drive an electric car if it puts a smile on my face like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIV9nb9w_Hw

mals69, Dec 24, 6:17am

tgray, Dec 24, 7:10am
I was using 27.4 litres per 100k from the 2014 Vette and that was driving very modestly most of the time.

harm_less, Dec 24, 7:43am
Our Leaf does about 200km per week as our commuting and shopping car and costs less to run in electricity than our spa pool, and as we have 6kW of solar PV panels those costs can both be as little 1/3 as of what it would be for retail price electricity. It's like having our own petrol supply running off of the sun!

Based on a Mazda 3's fuel consumption rating we are enjoying the equivalent of fuel prices of 20c/L (PV) or 65c/L (retail power).