A few might have seen this video http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/71699378/bicycle-cameras-highlight-close-calls Where exactly do these cyclists expect the truck to go? On the shots where they are close the truck is hard up to middle lane with vehicle on other side in opposite direction. Truck didn't have any choice. In one where truck moved over it was clearly well over centre line as it seemed the way was clear. If these cyclist expect a truck of that size to come to a slow for them they're being unrealistic and need educating as to what that involves. Instead I see that there is actually more verge the cyclist could use briefly whist the truck clear, and wonder why they hadn't thought of a mirror to warn them and then slowing and moving over them selves. They are, after all, the recreational user who isn't paying for the road, whilst the truck is trying to work. I'm not anti cyclist, just anti their attitude.
Sep 4, 3:30pm
definitely ignorance on the part of the cyclists.
Sep 4, 3:32pm
Its a bit like trying to pass cyclists on the road into Taupo.I know its their right to be on the road,but with a narrow road and no shoulder its bloody dangerous for them.
Sep 4, 3:45pm
I totally disagree. The logging truck moved over the centre line and gave them plenty of room but the curtainsider truck and trailer was far too close and fast. If there was oncoming traffic stopping him from moving over then he should have slowed down as he went past.
Sep 4, 4:11pm
In an ideal world that would be great. But you need to consider how long it takes a truck to wipe off and rebuild momentum. Then factor in lots of cyclists and you end up with very slow moving traffic jam. Which others will then try to overtake not being able to see the bikes, which will then cause a problem when truck starts pulling out when being over taken. List goes on. It's just not practical. Too much disruption, too many new risks. And at end of day truck is paying heavily to use road and is on a tight schedule. Get yer thinking, but not practical.
Sep 4, 4:30pm
what a pack of idiot cyclists there is nothing wrong with any of the passing the problem here is cyclist wondering over the white line when a truck comes now thats pretty dumb the road needs to have smooth seal all the way to the edge these cyclist need to be warning by police for wandering into the traffic lane
Sep 4, 4:37pm
why should a 40tonne truck slow down on a road that he pays for through road tax, the cyclist need to stay off the white line
Sep 4, 4:40pm
Perhaps the berm needs to be a minimum of 1 metre wide and smooth enough for the cyclists to use and perhaps the cyclists should be restricted to that area only, laving the rest of the road for motorised vehicles?
Sep 4, 4:42pm
Cyclist is a total Moron (v) Truck driver in his/her work environment doing their job. Where is health & safety OSH etc ? (after another one is killed of course they are there) If it were a truck workshop scenario the doorways would be chained off or marker cones placed ,signs put up everywhere ,hi vis worn for safety and prevention. "cyclists" need banned from all open roads in fact every public road ! B lardy maggot's !
Sep 4, 4:48pm
Glad I was not alone in noticing that. Idiot cyclists are their own worst enemy
Sep 4, 4:50pm
It looks like the cyclist has around a metre to move left instead of wobbling along the white line. A rough berm is no excuse, our roads are full of pot holes and uneven tarseal, what if everyone drove around rough patches like cyclists do? No motorised vehicles use suspension and correct tyre choice to absorb the rough road. Having a "right" to do something, and proving that right by riding too close to trucks, takes a special kind of entitlement.
Sep 4, 4:50pm
I am wondering exactly how the cyclist was able to take the close up shots of the truck approaching -hardly watching the road ahead are they>
Sep 4, 4:53pm
Part of being a professional driver is sharing the road safely with other users whoever they may be.The draught of that curtainsider going past at that speed put those cyclists at serious risk. Its not hard to ease off the throttle and flick the engine brake on. The cyclists can hear it and will usually move further left if they can. The reason they dont ride on the very edge of the shoulder all the time is because its covered in little stones and bits of broken glass.
Sep 4, 4:56pm
Would be taken from a camera mounted to the bike, most likely.
Sep 4, 4:57pm
The way I see it is, if you're going to come off 2nd best then perhaps you should be aware. Pretty sure the truck driver isn't going to be hurt if they have an accident.
Sep 4, 5:03pm
If little stones and bits of broken glass mean you need to cycle hard against the side of a truck, then you are using thr wrong bike/tyres for the environment because little stones and bits of broken glass are what makes up our berms.
Sep 4, 5:06pm
There are a series of workshops on at the moment where cyclist groups meet up with the transport industry - drivers and transport managers.
At the workshops - drivers get to ride bikes, cyclists get to ride in a 20 tonner.
Both groups get to learn :)
In the video clip - how exactly are the cylists ignorant ?
Sep 4, 5:12pm
Get to learn what?
Sep 4, 5:14pm
Oh good grief! Get to learn what it is like to be in each others position!
Did that bit really escape you ?
Sep 4, 5:18pm
Not ignorant, but making really dangerous choices in equipment if they can't keep left to maintain a buffer zone. If a cyclist wants to cycle in heavy traffic with a buffer zone, they need to keep hard left to make that happen, wandering into another lane is not the safest way to stay alive.
Sep 4, 5:27pm
They also need to keep a buffer zone to the left - road debris, broken edges, kerbs, parked cars and their opening doors, driveways, overhanging trees.
Perhaps it is safer to keep to a straight predictable line within sight of following traffic than it is to dodge in and out.
But I agree - there are some roads that cyclists really should avoid.
Totally agree, the cyclists get physically hurt, but the mental anguish from squashing one is something I want to avoid. In the videos shown, there are no hazards to prevent them moving almost a metre to the left, unless they have chosen to be on that road with the wrong equipment. So maintaining a straight line further left looks totally achievable for those particular clips.
Sep 4, 6:03pm
I'm in full agreement with you cw.
Also,I noticed they call themselves the Marlborough Bunch Riders and are obviously riding in groups which makes it more difficult for road users needing to go over the white line a lot more and a lot longer when they do need to pass the gaggle.
Sep 4, 6:12pm
Have a look at the, now closed, comment section on stuff. Even there most posters share disdain at cyclist approach. Seems that posting this video has backfired on them.
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