Police 10 7 tonight

tgray, Jul 10, 3:00am
The guy blew under the limit but he still got his car keys confiscated.
Would this be legal?

kaituna, Jul 10, 3:01am
I doubt it.

pf, Jul 10, 3:02am
anyone who lies to police get what they deserve .

tgray, Jul 10, 3:03am
I am all for the Police and back them 95% (lol), but the guy was free to go.

whqqsh, Jul 10, 3:14am
was saying the same in our house, no way the cop had the right to take the guys keys when he was legal to drive, silly lying to the cop but still nothing to have keys taken

marte, Jul 10, 3:23am
I thought that the Police could take the keys "if they thought he was not in a proper condition to drive the car".
I have heard of Police taking keys when the driver was in a rage and they thought he might drive off and kill someone or himself.
And I have heard of someone being convicted of "operating a pram while under the influence of alcohol. "
So yeah, agree with the Police on this one.

marte, Jul 10, 3:25am
Lawyers get paid quite a bit of money, don't they?

brapbrap8, Jul 10, 3:26am
Nah, only allowed to take keys if they are a chinese tourist lol.

msigg, Jul 10, 3:27am
Yes if they think you are affected by drugs or drink and are a danger to yourself or others then they can claim your keys, the man in question said he was worried that he was affected by his drink, so fair call. No harm done, good outcome.

intrade, Jul 10, 3:42am
so if they had a bad day they can just think. you need a fine or have your keys taken. where will it all end?

intrade, Feb 25, 6:04pm
just whatched it on tv2+1 at least they did not impound his brothers car for 28 days because he thinks he had lost traction doing a u turn.