"Jap import " racist ?

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gwimweeper, Jun 17, 8:41pm

Will be interesting to see how the Race Relations Commissioner rules.

sifty, Jun 17, 8:44pm
He should say 'me velly solly' immediately.

archereon, Jun 17, 8:47pm
Look! Free advertising!

gwimweeper, Jun 17, 8:53pm
Yes. Clever of the dealer to front-foot the issue in more ways than one.

( I just did a TM search. 387 car ads on TM use the word Jap. )

timmo1, Jun 17, 9:07pm
It's an abbreviation of Japanese, just as Euro is an abbreviation of European

saxman99, Jun 17, 9:38pm
I reload my own ammunition in various calibres. One of these is an obsolete one used only by the Japanese Army in their Arisaka Type 38 rifle. It is commonly referred to as "6.5mm JAP". Is that racist too?

sifty, Jun 17, 9:40pm
What about the Brough Superior?
I believe they used the JAP motors amongst others.

tgray, Jun 17, 9:54pm
It's about context, surely.
When directed to a person, it could be regarded as derogatory, but when describing a car as a 'Jap Import', it is clearly an abbreviation.

whqqsh, Jun 17, 9:57pm
suppose we can't use the terms Brit or Euro then. stupid PC crap

puddleduck00, Jun 17, 10:03pm
It might be because in the 2nd world war they were referred to them as "Japs", so the word has bad connotations. I don't really see it that way though. Not in this context.

Nobody blinks an eye when it's a white/western race abbreviation. Actually nobody blinks an eye when there's straight out racism towards white people. A couple of nights ago on Shortland Street a Maori woman said something along the lines of "He's a typical white male in a position of power and thinks he can have it all".

neell, Jun 17, 10:19pm

Very good but I don't think many people will know what you mean.

kazbanz, Jun 17, 10:25pm
This is advertising on their part plain and simple

pauloc, Jun 17, 10:39pm
Got to admire their publicity machine. Every week they try and get in the news, probably not so much at Disputes time,

tamarillo, Jun 17, 10:56pm
These idiots piss me off. It's not an insult or demeaning for goodness sake.

archereon, Jun 17, 11:52pm
It is a publicity stunt. Think about how much free publicity the car yard is getting. It is the same sort of thing that Hell pizza used to do.

frank1, Jun 18, 12:08am
PC at the extreme again-by idiots who have nothing better to do with their lives.

gunhand, Jun 18, 12:16am
He said on the radio that a complaint was made by some Jap anese outfit so he decided to take to race relations conciliator to see what they thought on it before doing anything else.
But yea, either way he gets a bit of air time.
Be on the TV news as well no doubt.
If it is a complaint it's bloody stupid as we have been calling them that since they started coming in, why whinge 30? years later.
As bad as our own bunch moaning about something that happened a100 odd years ago.

cossy5, Jun 18, 12:46am
Wonder what would happen if I was selling an Indian (not the worlds fastest)

intrade, Jun 18, 12:50am
jap-crap lol

mercbens, Jun 18, 12:59am
JA Prestwich Industries, was an English engineering company named after founder John Alfred Prestwich, which produced cinematographic equipment, internal combustion engines (for which the company was generally abbreviated to J.A.P.), and other examples of precision engineering.

nzdoug, Jun 18, 2:03am
The word "JAP" is considered a derogatory term in most parts of the world.
We sort of stumble into it with our inherent baby talk.

whqqsh, Jun 18, 2:10am
Brit-shit & Eurotrash

rbd, Jun 18, 3:37am
I will happily agree to stop using the term "Jap" as soon as Japan fully recognises, teaches and take responsibly for their WW2 atrocities.

Until then Jap should not be considered offensive.

quickbuck, Jun 18, 3:07pm
Correct. Hence the point being made.

intrade, Jun 18, 4:24pm
rbd wrote:
I will happily agree to stop using the term "Jap" as soon as Japan fully recognises, teaches and take responsibly for their WW2 atrocities.

dont just go pick what you want to see buddy.

ummm well yea i know they did not detonate a nuklear bomb on hiroshima and they did not make the agent orange to spray vietnam new zealand made the agent orange and it was still produced untill 1987 in new zealand. So yea i think we got that now all covered while the australians where abos shooting in the 1940s as a recognised sports activity just to name a few more.