The ultimate car dealer has died.

kazbanz, Aug 7, 9:10pm
George Cole whos best known as Arfer Daily the stereotypical used car dealer died age 90

tamarillo, Aug 7, 9:21pm
Damn that was a good show

budgel, Aug 7, 11:08pm
RiP George.

sr2, Aug 7, 11:19pm
The chemistry between Cole and Waterman made for one hell of an entertaining show!

"George Cole joked that he would like a bottle of whisky on his deathbed while Minder co-star Dennis Waterman reminisced that his late friend was 'happiest at home'.
In his final hours, on-screen bodyguard Dennis was there again to look after and laugh with Arthur Daley actor George, who has died at the age of 90.
The much-loved star passed away on Wednesday following a short illness.
And playing for laughs like his on-screen character, George was still joking at the end of his life about getting another drink."

807, Aug 8, 1:02am
First series of Minder with Dennis Waterman . classic.

mojo49, Aug 8, 1:28am
Thanks to Arthur Daley my wife is affectionately known as "her-indoors". Great show and really nice comments from Dennis Waterman who saw Cole a few days before he died. Dennis Waterman is looking pretty haggard as well. Life long smoker and with a beer to hand in the pic. From my late 60s/early 70s days in the car business Arthur and Terry were all too real. Quite a few of Arthur's equivalents plied the trade in Auckland in those days and there were quite a few Terry's in the shadowy parts of town as well.

mojo49, Aug 8, 1:30am
Hey Tamarillo, were you really interested in that 407 I outbid you on this week? It sold for just over $4200. A lot of car for the money but I think i will buy an NZ new Nissan Maxima instead.

donz01, Aug 8, 5:14am
George was my best friend from primary schools days uncle. I can still remember every year my mate would get a birthday card from the UK with a 10 pound note from him. That was 45 years ago now.

chevcamaro, Aug 8, 5:24am
rip arfa . yep not a bad un

mm12345, Aug 8, 7:41am
Jeesh. You make it sound like they all grew old and karked it. Most of them just took a career shift into law, politics, real estate, and banking.

carclan, Aug 8, 5:49pm
Great program

countrypete, Aug 8, 7:37pm
99% of lawyers give all the rest of them a bad name.

trogedon, Aug 8, 7:59pm
Scientists are finding that there are some things that rats won't do. they're having to use lawyers instead!

cagivachick1, Aug 8, 8:39pm
i met dennis waterman back in the 80s here in dunedin in a handbag shop i managed

muzz67, Aug 8, 8:42pm
Wow, would not have expected that!

cagivachick1, Aug 8, 11:51pm
he was on holiday with his wife, real nice bloke very down to earf

neville48, Aug 11, 2:06am
You mean he got a Pony but not a tortoise.

franc123, Aug 11, 2:25am
No surely not.

3tomany, Aug 11, 2:50am
was he your role model Kaz, gaud im getting old I can remember bits of that show.

robbo36, Oct 19, 4:04am