What were the police to do, I don't think the PIT maneuver works on a large loader.
Jun 18, 7:35pm
Shoot out the tyres, and if a stray bullet accidentally enters the cab, so be it
Jun 18, 7:38pm
Just as well this was here aye, in the US he would have been shot dead, and fair enough too. Love how he blames the liquor store cos they sold him a few RTD's, what a complete tool.
Jun 18, 7:41pm
Again, I'm not sure the police pea shooters have the guts to penetrate a loaders tyres, there's some pretty damn thick rubber there.
Jun 18, 7:44pm
Oh well, shoot out the Windows then
Jun 18, 7:46pm
Couldn't agree more mate.
Jun 18, 8:12pm
I don't see any report of him "blaming the liquor store". As he was pretty obviously p*ssed out of his mind, and 16YO, it would seem pretty obvious that cops might ask him where he got the booze. Whether he's telling the truth about buying it himself (getting the Liquor store into very deep crap if true), or if someone else supplied it to him is another story.
Yeah - shoot to kill. Great idea unless it was your own kid being shot for doing something dumb. If you don't think that your own teenager could do something dumb, especially under the influence, then I've got a bridge to sell you. Good home/bad home, whatever - sh*t happens. We are not robots. "Facing the consequences" should come into it, but summary execution by servants of the State never should.
I expect that the Police probably handled the situation appropriately.
Jun 18, 8:17pm
He seems to be getting along in that quite nicely for a 16yo. He may have a bright future in the earthworks sector ahead of him!
Jun 18, 10:41pm
what if the bullet bounced off the tyre & killed the cop ? , . Methinks he had experience driving it but was drunk as . Only get slapped with wet bus ticket anyway in court
Jun 18, 11:35pm
That's nothing. What about the 14 year old who swiped his Fathers truck and trailer unit and drove it nearly 200km! Even stopped for fuel haha!
Jun 19, 12:31am
Instead of the "wet bus ticket" why not give this young man say 2000 hours PD working for the contractor he "STOLE" the digger from. The digger owner/contractor won't be working today - this will be costing him money, unhappy customers no doubt a right royal pain to deal with.
Jun 19, 12:44am
If he was maori and in south auckland he will be alright
Jun 19, 12:58am
True true
Jun 19, 1:07am
I bet it was a helluva lot of fun right up until they biffed the CS into the cab, sure didn't need firearms used at any stage.
Jun 19, 2:21am
On TV news, the digger contractor was using it today, after a visit this morning from Ross Galt Locksmiths.
The moral outrage about this cracks me up - "shoot the rascal". Meanwhile, over the past week, a Chch father of 7 dies when he runs into horses wandering on a public road ("no charges to be laid"), and some cockies up Nelson way are celebrating their great fortune because they just had their fine for not wearing a helmet when riding their 4 wheeler on their farm, reduced from $40,000 to $35,000 on appeal.
Jun 19, 2:27am
He could work for all the people who's cars and fences he damaged too. but that's unlikely to happen.
Jun 19, 3:06am
the only ones frightened were the cops, he failed to stop when ordered to, to a cop thats terrifying - what would happen if everyone took the same attitude, they had a car in front warning everyone that a hough loader was tearing down the local streets at a mind bending 22 km/hr, and had 6 cars behind him with all lights and sirens blaring - and when he bailed out the Armed offenders squad pummeled him - farrrrk crime of the century, a 16 yr old too pissed to walk, it took 6 of them to subdue him, mate he was off his face on his face in the grass chances are he'd got pissed off with the lack of forward movement repairing the streets and though he'd chip in a bit of free labour - that cannot be allowed either, 4 hrs of his work would put 16 council staff in the redundancy row for the next 2 weeks
Jun 19, 4:33am
Was it jcmp21 joy-riding?
Jun 19, 5:12am
mm12345 wrote: On TV news, the digger contractor was using it today, after a visit this morning from Ross Galt Locksmiths.
The moral outrage about this cracks me up - "shoot the rascal".
So your the guy dipping that bus ticket in luck warm water! What your saying is the contractor suffered no loss because he was on TV with a lock smith in tow - funny, I thought lock smiths charged for call outs.
Jun 19, 5:15am
Thats what most people miss Trog, the "other" costs this delinquent has pushed on many other innocent parties.
Jun 19, 10:29pm
Good idea but the soft cock judge wouldnt do that , too logical , more like family conference & counselling is all hed get
Jun 19, 10:31pm
lucky he wasnt in USA otherwise cop might have thrown a grenade into the cab , like they did with that guy who went on a rampage with a tank .
May 24, 5:16am
Yeah it takes a huge step to go from ' law abiding citizen' across into 'no respect for the law' and once someone's done that, don't expect them to suddenly go all 'law abiding' again. Some people live their whole life without doing anything illegal.
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