for a PCV valve to suit a Zetec engine. All quoted ~$190.
Bought same for $20 inc postage from the US, along with a few other 'reasonably' priced parts.
Just wanted to share really.
Oct 2, 4:49am
yea and john key wants to stop you doing that so the local thugs can rip you off no matter what.
Oct 2, 5:39am
How will the government stop you buying from overseas?
Oct 2, 5:39am
Good on ya, sometimes you have the time to wait, and sometimes you have to pay full price. Just a question was it a genuine OEM valve or generic part?
Oct 2, 5:53am
By taxing your purchases to oblivion that's how. Anyone who thinks they will just have to pay GST and duty if that applies will be sorely mistaken, the Govts current proposals are sugar coated to the max. Collecting GST off ALL purchases especially small ones is uneconomic so a heap of extra processing fees and customs release charges and anything else they can think of will be loaded on. The local mostly National voting retail sector is crying foul that too many are bypassing their hundreds of % markup and want protection of their market and Govt as usual wants a fat cut of the action too. There will have to be much bigger differences in local vs overseas prices to make it worthwhile.
Oct 2, 12:10pm
paying 15% GST? Tax to oblivion? I think your dictionary is broken.
Oct 2, 3:28pm
Same with a windscreen washer pump for my van.
Local ( non agent supplier ) = Retail $154 + gst
Micksgarage,com = $ 44 inc postage ( no gst)
Go figure. :)
Oct 2, 4:36pm
Can you read if so read again what he wrote he said exactly what the plans are In Switzerland its 40 swiss Frank the free threshold and the key fag trys to tell no one has free import free goods but nz he always was a liar thug the little facist gungster . the 40 bux from Switzerland was in there fair go programming because it made a T-shirt whom cost 41 bux over 120$ with government taxes fees and charges.
Oct 2, 4:58pm
Let's NOT ruin the motoring forum by discussing politics or religion here. Take it to the appropriate place.
Oct 2, 6:02pm
get some toilet paper, you're talking $h!7
Oct 2, 7:17pm
Op, was it a genuine part you got from overseas? I needed spark plug cap/built in coil units for Volvo. There were very cheap copies made in China. I went for Oem that was exactly same as sold here. And whilst it was cheaper, it cost a fair bit more than the Chinese copy parts.
Oct 2, 7:18pm
There are plenty of other countries. Go live in one!
Oct 2, 11:02pm
not just car parts. quoted over $250 for a belt and bearing for our clothes dryer. got the genuine parts from the UK for $44
Oct 2, 11:14pm
you know holden actuarly dont rip you off provided you did buy the car from them otherwise they try to tell you they dont have parts for the car. oil filters for a astra berina is cheaper then repco or other places for geniuen holden parts. most other parts i found also are not like 400% more then what you could buy it your self offshore. 180$ for cam angle sensor for a astra geniuen item siemens oem part new radiator was 450$ not a bargain but oem quality 3 row solid construction not paper thin like aftermarket indonesian ones. to name a few items and holden actuarly stock parts in nz unlike nissan 14 day ex japan. etc or the worst of all mazda if they even have any parts they charge 400+% of what you can buy et from europe.
Oct 3, 12:36am
Head for my Philips razor NZ $NZ165 USA $NZ55 inc freight. Same made in Holland part.
Oct 3, 1:09am
holden are a rip off. needed a map sensor. cheapest i could find it in NZ was $270. got one air freighted from the states for $80
Oct 3, 1:23am
Many years ago was after a coil pack for my Falcon. Bosh part in a Ford box $160. Bosh in a Bosh box $75. Guess Ford needs to cover the cost of the blue box.
Oct 3, 2:13am
But did you really get a genuine Ford part for that price?
Oct 3, 11:15am
I got a crankshaft position sensor from Australia shipped here for 50% less than I could buy from the dealership, it was genuine Holden too.
Oct 3, 11:21am
I am guilty of this too, but to be fair I always try to source locally even if its more expensive. Sometimes you just cannot justify supporting locals if its double the cost, sad but true.
Oct 3, 12:07pm
I suggest Syria.
Oct 3, 2:09pm
And not just price but sometimes availability. I've been quoted 4-8 weeks for parts and able to source from Aussie not only cheaper but from 1-5 days delivery to NZ. And sad thing was usually up to 40% cheaper than here even with the exchange rate.
Oct 3, 2:48pm
a few yrs ago now but needed a stator for sons suzuki dirt bike . brand new here in nz from suzuki the part was well over $1000.00 rung all of nz to find second hand, nothing. got it from some small non descript hick town dealer in the states for less than $300.
Oct 3, 3:00pm
What I don't get is retailers want an even playing field but how is adding GST (15%) to something that is only 10% of the price at a retailer going to make it even? It is not going to make a single difference. It isn't like people are buying stuff overseas just to save 15% The original poster would pay another pay another $3 (whoo hoo).
Oct 3, 3:05pm
yeah, I don't think key is as smart as people think, he certainly cant negotiate worth a damn. if gst is added to online purchases it will STILL be cheaper than local, and ill start shopping online a lot more out of spite for the local rip off merchants and their poor service.
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