Resistor to stop airbag light on audi?

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tamarillo, Mar 3, 11:58pm
1998 Audi A4, swapped seat but new passenger seat has no side airbag so plug under seat is vacant, which upsets computer of course and leads to airbag light showing.
Looking online I found reference to exact problem that is fixed with a 4.7 ohm resistor across the two wires, tricks car into thinking airbag is there.
Will still need to reset light of course but object is to not have it turn back on.
Electricity is magic to me, kinda get idea but worried I admit despite few people saying it worked.
Anyone like to comment? Sounds okay to try?

saxman99, Mar 4, 12:05am
It will work ok. Not sure if that's legal, can't remove an airbag unless certed.

tony9, Mar 4, 12:09am
Here is the resistor.

But you should not get wof without the change being certified.

brapbrap8, Mar 4, 12:11am
Is it not easier to find a suitable replacement seat?
You will need to get the car certified if you remove the airbag or you can't get a WOF.

Doh, I got distracted typing and several people beat me to it!

snoopy221, Mar 4, 12:12am
Yeah i'll go there-let's just say that vehicle is later on in life involved in a fatal and a serious crash unit investigation and it is beyond doubt it would have been survivable if a side curtain airbag was present. ?

Therin is the question.

And that is posted by someone who had just passed his warrant inspector annual exam on the same day he met a JISD4604 seatbelt and rung the gawd who re-issued his warrant issuing authority number for another 12 months and was told point blank
The new book says JISD4604 is acceptable you have to pass it.


As in the angels-am i ever gunna see your face again

So the owner took the vehicle personally to aforementioned gawd so he could sign his own damn name on it.
End of the day book was so wrong and JISD4604 V(vehicle) W (webbing)
Sensitive ELR
Emergency Locking Retractor

Is now the standard
To me i wasn't passing a damn old blind on a reel that would let ya hit the windscreen.

tamarillo, Mar 4, 12:13am
Oh bugger. New ones are an optional better seat from later a4 so surprised it didn't have the airbag as the standard one did. But now I think of it the car it came from might have had it built in to side pillar.
Back to drawing board.

Thanks all of you for help, you're right of course.

snoopy221, Mar 4, 12:24am

Note 2

Some modifications are permitted, but they must always be LVV certified. The only modifications permitted are:

1. fitting a switch to render an airbag temporarily inoperable, and

2. the removal or permanent deactivation of an airbag in a vehicle that:

is at least 14 years old

1998 Audi A4,

Technically certifiable due to age

supernova2, Mar 4, 12:29am
I think this airbag might be in the case of perhaps/maybe/yea/nah.
Have a read of this:

Without bothering to look it all up is a seat air bag part of a "frontal airbag system"? Anyone know for sure?

snoopy221, Mar 4, 12:36am
might be in the case of perhaps/maybe/yea/nah.

Meh some of that legislation goes back to the days of imports with safety glass and not laminated windscreens needing the owner to produce the derego jap cert to get a warrant or have to get a new windscreen

msigg, Mar 4, 12:38am
All just a money making execise, cert for no airbag, is the cert guy going to bring you back from the dead if shit happens, just box ticking and money reaping. Just do it and save the old seat for when you sell it, probably wrecer in a few years anyway.

vtecintegra, Mar 4, 12:39am
LVVTA would seem to say no:

e. As in no, side airbags do not count as part of the frontal impact safety equipment

snoopy221, Mar 4, 12:58am

brapbrap8, Mar 4, 1:00am

Hmmmm, maybe you might get away with removing the side airbag.
As mentioned in my link, seats with seat covers that may prevent airbag deployment are not a WOF fail, but the driver must be cautioned.
On the same logic possibly removing the airbag completely may be acceptable.

Little bit of a grey area, but personally I would hate to be someone who removed an airbag only to have someone be seriously injured or killed in that car when the airbag could have helped,

What is wrong with the old seat? Does it just need new upholstery?

supernova2, Mar 4, 1:22am
Why not get the airbag shifted into the new seat?

tamarillo, Mar 4, 1:25am
Thanks, I woulnt think that possible, it's built in to seat.
Was a bad idea.

treachug, Mar 4, 2:29am
great song esp the live version. I still have it on cassette tape.
oh shit did I just admit that? . lol

ps pretending I didn't read the op's question. very scarey area to venture into.

gunhand, Mar 4, 2:32am
Hey, I still got two tour tee shirts with it written on it lol. Still brand new.

snoopy221, Mar 4, 5:02am
LMFAO the EPITAH cld b de ole marryane faithfull number

Whydyadowhat ya did
Metink yaaas moit juss know dat 1 2.
(cobwebs)- lmao

purple666, Mar 4, 5:30am
Stick the resistor in and never exceed 100kph and you will be right as rain. As we all know it is speed that causes accidents, no speed no accident so no airbags needed, problem solved.

snoopy221, Mar 4, 5:54am
great song esp the live version. I still have it on cassette tape.
oh shit did I just admit that? . lol

meh nwdyzzz tis U tube- lol and yup both songs mentioned there lol

here is a gem

Clean and appropriate
Ole Carole King with Shania Twain Gloria Esterfan Celine Dion and Mariah Carey.
**Ain't it good ta know you got a friend**
If ya ain't seen it(and it's unique) the harmony is - well **like**-L O L

snoopy221, Mar 4, 6:50am
nwdyzzz tis U tube- lol and yup both songs mentioned there

meh yaas can findem

tamarillo, Mar 4, 2:11pm
Munch face you didn't bother reading my OP. Here is an excerpt from it;
'Looking online I found reference to exact problem that is fixed with a 4.7 ohm resistor across the two wires, tricks car into thinking airbag is there. ' and 'despite few people saying it worked. '

Indeed I looked extensively online, but felt an opinion here might help, and indeed it did because the warrant issue didn't surface. Local knowledge.

Plus, if you're able, have a look at the context of that quote and you will see it is not a complaint as you seem to think, but an explanation of something.
You've taken it out of context.
Have a look. See if your English comprehension is up to it to it. I have my doubts.

intrade, Mar 4, 2:25pm
it will work and the problem is if the airbag light is on then it will not deploy any airbags in a crash, so its better to bypass some airbags if you must do so and yes as far as i know bt be carull reset with rosstech there is a warning some airbag modules get destroyed permanent if you reset them. there is a module number on rosstech website warning about it, dont know if it affects audi also but my 2001 bora vw could have that module, So i never played with that reset function on my car.

tamarillo, Mar 4, 2:26pm
Thanks brap, seat is stained but not hugely, and not enough to risk danger and warrant issues.

Seems technically then the resistor idea works, but in practice, I'll leave it.
Thanks for help all, despite my google searches these issues never came up as I was only thinking of the technical side of it. Glad I bounced the idea out there.
Very much appreciated almost everyone's help.

tamarillo, Mar 4, 2:29pm
Thanks Intrade, audi doctor can reset it with his VAG COM stuff so will pop along there today as now I've disconnected it and turned ignition on it has to be reset anyway even with old seat back in.
Oh well.