Listing another vehicle

missrxtc, Jan 18, 6:45pm
If I was selling one vehicle after another - can I change the listing and pay the extra on TM? I just changed it and it allowed me to do so and asked for $20 extra. is this right - I don't want the new listing removed?

jmma, Jan 18, 7:20pm
Normally you cant edit after 7 days or so, must have sold other one quick with no bids (o:
Can't see a problem, did it say what the extra $20 was for?

missrxtc, Jan 18, 7:45pm
It said $20 to change car listing category.

kazbanz, Aug 3, 8:44am
You pay to list A car then if you want THAT car listing cat changed they sting ya $20.00 that is totally to list ONE vehicle.
So if you want to list a different vehicle then you pay another $35 listing fee.To "reuse" a car listing might result in you losing your $20 and the listing being plucked.