Nissan Terrano/Mistrals mid 90s

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franc123, Dec 28, 10:45pm
That's cool, it will be money well spent. I hope the list will help you, although any 4x4 diesel specialists will know that stuff and look and test for it. The electronic pump is the worst bit, there aren't any cheap fixes for that unfortunately, and naturally second hand ones are a big gamble, they are hating the low sulphur diesel. Its often a factor in why they are being sold.

gamefisher, Dec 28, 11:17pm
Can also be a sign the heater radiator is leaking check for any dampness in the carpet under the dash.

mals69, Dec 29, 12:23am
Father-inlaw had my pump reconditioned week before
selling it to me - never missed a beat in 50,000 km.

Could the mechanic have upgraded the pump internals
better than factory or does it take way more k's for the lack
of sulphur to damage the pump ?

franc123, Dec 29, 1:29am
It normally on the north side of 150k that the problems strike, less if its not had fuel filters done often enough. Fixing them is normally done by a specialist fuel shop, not a diesel mechanics, I've not seen a properly recon and calibrated one fail again so whether they have got some tricks to help them last better I'm not sure.

mals69, Apr 18, 10:37pm
Okie dokie - good reminder to keep on top of filters .
