I have a 1999 Toyota Corolla Hatch, NZ new. I am finding it hard to go from 3rd gear to 2nd gear recently. 4th to 3rd is also a little difficult, but not so bad. I have no problem moving UP the gears. Done 145,000 kms and very regularly serviced. Mechanic who had it on hoist today reckoned he couldn't find anything wrong. Weird
Oct 13, 11:52pm
i guess we talk manual here?
Oct 13, 11:56pm
where does the clutch engage when you put it in first and let the clutch out top bottom or the middle somewhere?
Oct 13, 11:57pm
How far off the floor do you have to let clutch out before it takes up? Have you checked clutch fluid level?
Oct 14, 3:40am
Could be the syncros if the clutch checked out okay.
Oct 14, 4:53am
Clutch checked out OK. Fluids OK - I asked that and he was doing a service also. I have driven manuals all my life, so know how to drive a manual car. Am fully depressing the clutch - will check at what level it engages tomorrow. Is syncros something that a mechanic might miss if he only puts it on a hoist and doesn't drive it? From my googling I am thinking this.
So if the syncros are a problem - is this a part they replace, or do they "fix"? Wondering if it is a big job on an old Toyota
Oct 14, 5:00am
How is it that you tell your so called mechanic the problem and he couldn't find anything wrong. Did he road test, is the Service an oil and filter change only. I would bleed the clutch and change gearbox oil before doing anything else. MTCW (o:
Oct 14, 5:00am
As far as I know you can only detect worn syncros by changing gears while moving, so they would be unlikely to diagnose that without a test drive. I know little about the Corolla, but it usually is a fairly big job to fix, take the gear box out, open it up and change whatever syncros are worn.
Oct 14, 5:43am
mmm F W D rolla cable change box. get a DECENT meknik to check cable adjustment K
Oct 14, 6:37am
Try double de clutching it between gears - a bit of rev as you change down -to match engine revs to speed -- like driving a heavy truck -- some truck drivers can do it without even using the clutch. This will show if syncros are worn or the problem
Oct 14, 3:52pm
its a cable change box, as snoopy says and those cables get quite dry over the years, it will be due to this, the cables need removing and lubing properly, or replacing with new ones going up a gear will be pushing on the shift cable ( one is the shift cable, the other is the selector cable ), pushing allows the cable to float in the outer, changing down requires a pull on that cable and it pulls the inner into the sides of the outer on bends, makes for a dry stiff and theerfore slower change/movement
Oct 15, 12:06am
Middle I reckon
Oct 15, 12:08am
What is FWD? Car not a 4 wheel drive
Oct 15, 12:13am
Front Wheel Drive (o:
Oct 15, 12:16am
I spoke to a new mechanic today and he thought it sounded mostly likely to be syncos - because it is "gear specific". I told him I can go up gears no problem, and coming down the gears it is just 3rd to 2nd gear.
Does that sound likely? Or is the cable change box or bleeding the clutch and changing gear box oil still something he should do? I don't want him jumping straight to most expensive repair (which could be new gearbox apparently as it's often as cheap to do this as replace worn syncos).
Note car is just a standard 5 speed manual transmission, not 4 wheel drive.
Oct 15, 12:20am
any grinding noises when its hard to finally shift?
also a few facts you have 145.000km a clutch is normally worn at 170 onwards , the car is 1999 its 2015 so 16 years that clutch was in use pressing the clutch in traffic jams will wear it out , the milage is not what wears the clutch is depressing and slipping the friction plate what wears a clutch. So possibly the clutch could be worn out maybe somone adjusted the cable a few times already, a worn clutch engages on top . Just a few things to consider further tests are required like force the clutch to slip or not test.
Oct 15, 12:21am
worn synchros make grinde nois when shifting down chhhkkk ckkkkcc
Oct 15, 12:22am
at 145k no synchro is worn out that is stating at anything above 300,000km never at 145k
Oct 15, 12:53am
Have you actually checked for correct oil grade and level in the transaxle? How long has the oil been in the box since last time it was changed? Has it been topped up recently possibly with the wrong oil? I'd be looking at that item and the clutch action including whether the master cylinder or slave cylinder or both are defective? Gearshift cables could be suspect too, I have struck that in the past various times, probably the most likely fault?. Trans itself might be suspect in the syncro department or have bearings failing in the box itself, could be one or more of a number of things? Good luck, but at 145,000km traveled I'd be looking at either the gear shift cables or clutch malfunction as your main culprit. If box is at fault it might be a cheaper option to fit a 2nd hand unit or ( the dearer option) have yours rebuilt
Oct 15, 1:01am
3rd to 2nd is a round the corner shift, ie gate shift as well as selector shift, plus it is gate movement against the detente, 95% of driving is done with the gate in 3rd/4th/5th gear gate, the gearbox actually hold that gate as the norm you have to over-ride that to get to 2nd
cables or detente system, syncro from 3rd to 2nd will probably be pristine, 4th to 5th and back gets a fair bit of use, 4th to 3rd may get a little bit of use, 3rd to 2nd would get begger all use on road
Oct 15, 1:02am
I think Snoops nailed it in #10.
The best advice I could give the OP is diagnosing a clutch/gearbox problem in a manual 99 corolla is anything but rocket science; you need to find another mechanic!
Oct 15, 2:31am
I'm not a mechanic so don't understand some of the above, but will tell the guy this tomorrow. There is no noise involved in the problem.
I have only owned the car for 1 year, but it has a very good service record - so you'd think that everything has been looked after. Although I suppose basic services don't cover everything. I have driven manuals all my life, but no idea if the previous owner drove it well obviously.
Oct 15, 2:53am
Try telling that to a Mitsubishi Triton owner after they have had their gearbox rebuilt at 20-30,000km due to the 3rd gear syncro having completely failed. Some brands under engineer gearbox internals so they will fail almost new.
Oct 15, 3:04am
UUmmm yes but we are talking Toyota here, You know, the reliable trusty make of a car (o:
Oct 15, 3:15am
you forgot bullet proof.
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