So I received my registration renewal notice in the mail and stuck it on the fridge as a reminder to get it sorted. Next thing I receive a new label in the mail with 6 months registration. My guess is one of the family has paid it for past favours. Are NZTA able to give out details who may have paid it or would it al be under the privacy act ? and if so who would I contact.
Oct 22, 4:10pm
just smile n walk away
Oct 22, 4:12pm
Yep still smiling.
Oct 22, 5:01pm
how does it work online ? i never done it do you just enter numerbplate and buy . because maybe somone has a similar plate and entered the wrong letters 0 and O or something? and then they will try and reverse it then you be having illegal expired stickers in the window . and we all know that gets you 40 year in jale as where murder is 5 years and your out in 2 month on probation again.
Oct 22, 5:12pm
you have to enter reminder notice number, so it aligns to correct vehicle. very good I use it all the time
Oct 22, 6:52pm
You don't need to any more - the system has changed.
Oct 22, 7:05pm
I had this once, turns out the car dealer that I brought the car off didnt change the ownership. The car was a lemon (never buy a Toyota Windom) it had sat in a warehouse for a year unrego'ed. When I got it back on the road and thought I was going to have to backpay the year, it was up to date. Turns out the de-register notice was going to them and the only way to change the ownership was to bring it up to date which they done so without tell me obviously.
Oct 22, 7:15pm
I think if you don't provide the reminder notice number, you are asked for your name and licence number.
Oct 23, 1:43pm
Somewhere someone has put in a wrong number or letter and you got lucky. they wont even know till they don't receive or get stopped. just a thought
Oct 24, 1:29am
Correct. I haven't had a reminder for the trailer and processed that OK.
It seems that the rego sticker is sent to the address in their system as there is no means of changing when you pay on line and they don't ask you to confirm the address either.
Oct 24, 1:36am
About 4yrs back I went to take my bike off hold and put some rego on it just to be told it wasn't on hold and had 12months rego on it already. Sometimes the bank makes an error in your favour, must have been their error as it didn't have a wof till the day before I went in to take it off hold.
Oct 24, 2:14am
just ring them up, you are the registered owner ( you hope) they should tell you when it was paid and at what agency, they may not be able to give a name unless a credit card or such with a name was used
Oct 24, 7:29am
The rego people made a muchup regarding rego costs.
They sent out a replacement rego label to me. Is this what you got?
Oct 24, 11:19am
pretty sure it was the Rego fairy
Oct 24, 2:09pm
The NZTA sell everything.
You can buy a copy of some-ones driver licence (sans photo), they still sell the vehicle registration database (but only to carefully selected mates of course), they pretty much leak every bit of personal information you give them.
But watch them pull the "privacy" card out if you ask who paid the account.
Oct 24, 4:16pm
Thanks for all your comments. Might ring them after the long weekend and see what I can find out. Will go and buy a lotto ticket while my lucks in. Cheers
Oct 24, 8:37pm
yea you better try to resolf it and keep record you might need it in court and fair go. i did send a registerd mail to wellington when the coppes acused me of no wof and rego compliance 14 days while i was on my way and 500 meter from the testin station to bring a car i had on hold for years back on the road. i made a thread about that back then its abouct cokroaches if you want to read it. search last year on the left 1 year search
think of it this way you could be fined and the one whom potentially registered your car instead of his car could be fined or both of you could be fined. and we all know number 1 priority is gathering$$ anything that wont generate revenue wont be done , like common sense cost nothing so it cant be used because it dont makes Dosh for them. few spell mistakes above i guess you can read it whith common sense switched on.
Jan 2, 8:31pm
^^^^^^^ Yep intrade, common sense switched on, learnt to decipher your posts years ago, all good.
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