Police have "no resources" to attend serious crime

thejazzpianoma, May 20, 12:45am
Yet they have the considerable time and resources to prosecute this guy. of course they do!


I know this post will be troll bait so I won't post in this thread again. Feel free to discuss amongst yourselves. My opinion is simply that, yes, the guy is an idiot, but he wasn't putting others outside his group in danger, so why waste resources prosecuting him when you wouldn't prosecute any other similarly silly drunk accident. (like playing silly buggers by the pool while drunk and having an accident).

Come back and concentrate on this if you must, but only when there are resources to adequately deal with serious intentional criminal activity.

It's time the Police were told to end there absurd and wasteful obsession with the letter of the law verses the intention of the law. We all lose out when this nonsense is tolerated, let alone encouraged.

slarty45, May 20, 12:50am

brapbrap8, May 20, 12:56am
I'm not really seeing the issue here, he was operating a vehicle while intoxicated on a public road and got done for it. Doesn't really matter that it was a go kart, would have been the same result in a car, or on a motorcycle, bicycle or horse.
Hardly a challenge for the police to get a prosecution for this sort of thing, so I doubt it diverted many police resources away from other crimes.
I would rather that police caught guys like him that injure people, than catch people doing 103kph thats for sure.

kazbanz, May 20, 1:14am
If it was ion private land and no one hurt I'd say Mehh but it was on a public road and someone did get hurt.
5.5hp I can say from personal experience is still 50km/h capable

jmma, May 20, 1:15am
No because of this,

"I know this post will be troll bait so I won't post in this thread again."

So why post it in the first place?

3tomany, May 20, 1:17am
a bit harsh but police like to get easy apples makes their success rate look good

sr2, May 20, 1:26am
+1. (The man doth protest. )

gunhand, May 20, 1:47am
While it seems trivial it could have ended a lot worse. But we can add "but what ifs" to everything of course.
How did the police get involved? My guess, due to the injuries caused to his mate.
Doesn't mention Police pulling him up per say or turning up while they were doing their time trials.
I mean if ya hit ya mate and no one was about (Police) wouldn't you all just run away as such and make up some story at the hospital?
Did he go by Ambulance therefore involving Police?
Anyway, he could have really hurt, or killed his mate if he had taken is feet out from under him and he smashed his head on the road. Pissed and roaring about on a go cart and a manslaughter charge no doubt if the worst happened. What would be the reaction then I wonder?
To many serious accidents happen under the influence of alcohol (not just driving ones) and many that some are lucky to get away with serious harm.
But yes by the letter of the law it seems he was at fault. and the Police don't make the laws.
Do I think he should be charged? Yes but to a low degree, A fine and a telling off maybe and no conviction as such.
I don't know this guy but I bet it's a wake up call one way or the other.

skiff1, May 20, 1:54am
Pretty straight forward really, he was driving a vehicle (not roadworthy) while schickered, and hurt someone. Nothing to see here.

tgray, May 20, 2:57am
The Police do the best job they can with the limited resources available to them.
People that complain about the Police would be the first people to call them when they need their help.
Compared to overseas Police forces, NZ fares very well, with one of the least corrupt, honest and trusted in the world.
Anyone you is quick to criticize, should walk a mile in their shoes.

esky-tastic, May 20, 3:55am
Sounds more like the above post is the troll.

cmscott111, May 20, 5:47am
So its ok to put those inside your own group in danger, WTF ? What next from this poster ? Is it then ok to commit violence in the home ?

intrade, May 20, 3:36pm
the police finally do something that is usefull
speedcameras near scools in blenheim, that is the only sort of places where speed cameras are not used to pure gather of revenue. was just mentioned on brekfast tv.
Also another one the stupid women said its the law. well keeping black people as slaves was also the law , was that then all ok ans shooting abos in australiafor fun was it all ok because after all it was the law so its ok . Also in a war the looser is the bad guy and the winner makes the new laws . laws are a deception made by the winning war criminals.

nightsky1, May 20, 5:12pm
Come on Jazz come back
some might not agree but you're entitled to have opinions.

skiff1, May 20, 9:56pm
drunk driving, speeding etc are clearly quite different to slavery and other racially oppressive laws. Stick to engines

elect70, May 20, 10:13pm
Who says they havent resources to investigate crime, house down end of the road got burgled on weekend & cops were there monday morning & going door to door asking questions .

phalanax, May 20, 10:17pm
Got stopped by a checkpoint about 1pm today. breath test and rego wof and license check all good. not the first time this month last time was about 9.20am. id like too see these checkpoints set up in the darned evening when folk are more likely to be under the influence. or when the boy racers are out under the cover of darkness.

cmscott111, May 21, 2:19am
So let's have checkpoints only at night cos that's the only time people drive when they are disqualified , in crap cars and drunk ! What a stupid post !

cmscott111, May 21, 2:25am
Clearly they do have resources , 22 years for this guy !


melonhead1, May 21, 4:44am
It seems that the only crime here was that this man wasn't a "promising sports star".

ignition328, Jan 19, 12:01pm
Leaving this here for you and some of the other rubbish I've been reading in here
