That's a winner right there. Will be the top selling SUV in 2016 (o:
Jul 23, 6:37am
Just another road-a-saurus, they all look the same to me. unnecessary for 95% of those that buy them, please let this 4WD fad die like it should have 10 years ago
Jul 23, 6:37am
Not pretty, but not notably uglier than most if its competitors in that market segment. They're all ugly to one degree or another
Jul 23, 3:31pm
Those rear side windows look hideous!
Jul 23, 3:59pm
Jul 23, 4:47pm
Yep, I just do not get how some of these designs get OK'ed. I am far from a vehicle designer, but I know what is plain crook in that side window design is how it kicks up at the rear of the door, then angles DOWN towards the rear, it gives the impression that something is bent, certainly not a look of strength or forward motion at all for this sort of "Rugged" vehicle especially. Look, we all know they will sell enough to fleets anyway and 99% of modern motorists can't tell understeer from a bovine steer, let alone care how their probably company-supplied and shiny new vehicle in the driveway really looks but it does seem designers are running out of ideas just for the sake of "new model" differentiation to me. The Ford Everest is a winner in cosmetic comparison.
Jul 23, 4:55pm
Normally I agree with you on this subject. Rav4.crv etc that never see the dirt or snow is stupid IMO. But in this case I have to say the numbers seem to stack well for the horsey set.Builders with trailers,or anyone wanting a bit of tow.
Jul 23, 5:25pm
Looks much like all the other oversized 'trucks' on our roads. Just try turning left while that vehicle is beside you, trying to turning right - It will be impossible to see if the way is clear until it moves. Or try backing our of a supermarket carpark, while parked next to that. Expect the honks from passing cars as you blindly 'edge out'.
Jul 23, 5:35pm
Blimey tgray, you must need an eye test ! I am not an SUV man whatsoever, but to say it looks "much like" all the other similar vehicles really is an insult to them. Is a Camaro much like a VW Eos ?
Jul 23, 6:23pm
Come on move with the times, so here are living in the past. Classic cars are good though, If ya like it buy it if ya don't that's your choice. The market will decide in the end which way they will build.
Jul 23, 6:42pm
#msigg, Even if I was living in the past, does it mean I have lost all taste though? I actually read UK Autocar and Australian "Drive" etc. most days to keep up with current news and so know of most, and like the design of many new cars. I would argue "The market" has moved too far towards practicality and forgotten design in regards to the vehicle industry for some brands recently though. I would say this Toyota needs to be THE most practical "SUV" around to offset the looks ! What is your personal opinion of it, especially in comparison to the Ford Everest, or even to the current Toyota "Prado type" range ? (I also think the Holden Colorado based SUV is rubbish at the rear/side also)
Jul 23, 6:57pm
Yep, ugly as. New Hilux is not going to be much better either. If I wanted a quirky looking 4x4 with middle of the road specs I would get a Mitsubishi for half the price. Toyota should be worried, they are getting absolutely slaughtered by Ford in sales this year, and the other brands are making strong gains as well.
Jul 23, 7:12pm
I do wonder what some of the dealer sales staff think (or say amongst themselves) once they first see pics of the "new model". I imagine some at Mazda would like to shoot the person responsible for the BT50, especially with how many Ranger's are here in ChCh. ! (surely can't all be down to whatever "fleet deal" is done ?)
Jul 23, 9:55pm
Did you get run over by a Toyota as a child? You and Jazz should get a room!
Jul 23, 10:01pm
Like it or not, I think the design team achieved their objective.
HEHE, saw the latest Ranger at the speedshow last weekend, this was fully speced up with lift kit & all the rough & tough goodies that no-one buying it will ever use. people were standing around oooing & aaahing, I strolled over (the wife wondered why I'd even go near it) then at the right time someone (maybe me lol) said in a very loud voice 'BY GOD, YOUD NEED BE COMPENSATING FOR A REAL SMALL COCK TO WANT ONE OF THESE!' for some odd reason most of the people walked away quite quickly, I strolled off getting a slap from the missus & a 'bloody stirrer, I knew you were up to something'
Jul 23, 10:08pm
Awful, worse than most with coveting lines and strange proportions. Horrible.
Jul 23, 10:10pm
Would rather see the 4Runner sold here, I think it looks cool. Not this thing though.
Jul 23, 11:31pm
They support their brand, as they should. Then they move on to another marque and support that. I was recently talking with a MC dealer that was a brand dealer then changed. I was talking about previous brands latest hyper bike and he kinda rubbished it. yet if he was still that brands agent he would have said it was the best thing since sliced bread and it will slaughter the opposition, which incidentally it will. As for the Toyota, yea, well apart from the coke bottle kick it looks like the rest. Even the bloody spotlight surround design is old now.
Jan 5, 10:02am
gman35, yea I don't love the look, I am a stick in the mud, I like the Prado look, beautiful, but that said I know my age and my desires, Other younger than me like new modern things, Also when the some of the comm models came out I didn't like them, after a few years on the road i got to like them etc, changes are not for everyone, The world is changing so fast you sometimes got to go with the flow. Some just don't like the look because it is a toyota, also on the road they could look different. At the end of the day the buying public will decide. Market forces,
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