White ones are the most economical because the paint is lighter.
Aug 11, 5:07pm
"Running costs" and "Fuel economy" are 2 different things. It sounds like you want to only pay your employee for the fuel they use, but that is only one of the involved costs. If my employer tried that, I'd tell them where to go. Luckily, they provide the vehicle and pay all associated costs, so I don't have that problem. My suggestion would be to use the IRD figure, that way it won't come back to bite you.
Aug 11, 5:17pm
Stuart--the reason we asked what specific sub model it is you are referring to is that the different vehicles have different costs to run and maintain them. You can understand that expecting your employee to be out of pocket when he uses his car to work for you is unfair can't you? personally I would ask the AA for the true running costs for that Year/make/model/sub model
Aug 11, 9:27pm
Instead of thinking how much it costs you employee to run HIS vehicle, think of how much it will to cost to rent/lease/taxi/buy a vehicle your self. If any of these options come out at less than 77c per km then that would be a good business choice. Your employee will also have to keep in mind insurance which can have limitations for work purposes.
Oct 16, 1:15pm
That AA thread discusses fuel consumption.
Annual Registration, WoF, Insurance, maintenance and depreciation costs are not addressed.
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