Common vehicle problems from the 40's to 80's

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snoopy221, Jun 9, 4:07am
there were good ones too though
1m miles ( not k's ) on a cummins 250 in an ERF frame, finally pulled it cos it was drinking more oil than I could drink beer,

lmfao steve. sure bak in zee day BUT Currently-LOL

beetle1234, Jun 9, 4:10am
Tho ,still love stuffing a bigger into something that needed it. an you boy,s know what I mean,off course we broke diff,s(put a harder one in) we built shit,blah blah,just enjoy we know how,then ,you know certs etc etc. but really ,I used to replace my 3 spd in my charger every 2nd week,had a lead foot,my mate replaced his back tyre,s every weekend , so we know and all know the fun and it was fun to drive these ole beasties,shit I had an ole Avenger TC that used to do the mean burnout,s,good fun aye,I think we helped this great ole school stuff out. ?

skin1235, Jun 9, 4:12am
lol, had a few practice runs since, reckon I could take her now

ladatrouble, Jun 9, 4:27am
The reason we have to be WoF inspectors these days is because lube bay attendants mostly did them. Mechanics didn't want to come off jobs to do bloody WoF's, so the lube guy, who also did the tyres and the pumps got the job. I don't think they killed anyone.

beetle1234, Jun 9, 4:45am
too true mate,us pumps an lube,s guy,s when in doubt just askd the mechanic,we checkd the wof they just sighnd it,god I replaced the front ball joint,s in my vh valiant,with new mopar parts and they had more wiggle than the worn part,s. valiant,s liked that. as my grandad said(Burt Monroes,s neighbour) grease fit,s mate

skin1235, Jun 9, 5:20am
it was part of the job for those lube bay attendants, the company was reg'd to do WOF checks, not the individual, as you say they never killed anyone, they knew what was a safe condition or not, and all the ones I knew were not shy to come and ask a mech to take a look at anything that may have been marginal, most of the lube bay attendants were older mechs, pleased they didn't work in the back shop anymore, they at least got to see the sunlight, and customers, and not have ingrained grease blackened fingernails, the best hope for a new apprentice was to have the lube bay attendant adopt him

snoopy221, Jun 9, 5:23am
Back in real roadgravel) non motorway less vehicles on road dayzzz gawd nexx tym ya in heavy traffic-have we evolved? EFI-ABS-MOTORWAYS TARSEAL-Meh wheres da fun? and the challenge-LOL

skin1235, Jun 9, 5:28am
back in the day when I was employing such, the forecourt attendant and the lube bay attendant were only equaled by the reputation the workshop had, they kept the place humming, without rorts, when one left you certainly noticed he'd gone, and usually shifted a mech to the front rather than bring in a new unproven feeder

skin1235, Jun 9, 5:31am
you know I drive gravel a lot snoopy, even this old ssangyong with its traction control has had to be taught a few lessons about when is it okay to turn the power off, certainly not while I'm going around a corner, gadamm cumputers that think they know how to drive, can they feking swim their way out of the creek they tried to put me in perhaps

snoopy221, Jun 9, 5:34am
A Frame-Trailer mmmmm comp. ya gunna be Oh SO Damn Confusssed- LOL

pfemstn, Jun 9, 3:13pm
no one mentioned Triumph stags, trying to get the heads off, motors u. s at very low mileages.,Escorts used to last about 50k miles if you were lucky. Cortina mk3 with their diff problems ,kept me busy for years! could go on and on .but hey I still work primarily on old school cars and love it

mrfxit, Jun 9, 5:09pm
LOL yea A framing cars, always good fun with hard braking or when a tie chain slips.
Brother used to A frame a lot 'back in the day' & he was a bit suss somedays about how he connected the frame to the towed car but it was a "good" suspect connection (if you know what I mean).
Generally a pretty solid connection but somedays it would slip a bit if the road was rough.

skin1235, Jun 10, 2:13am
luckily this girl is old enough to be running 12v and up to 10 amps for trailer connections etc, but yeah, sons bmw shut down as soon as he plugged the trailer in, not sure what it cost him to remedy, he now has some box of trickery in the boot that the trailer plug comes from

two9s, Jun 10, 9:05am
MGB's where you needed arms like an orangatang but hands the size of a Japanese preschooler to get at the bellhousing bolts:)

dansue, Jun 11, 12:57am
Anyone remember mk4 Zephyr/Zodiac rear disk brake pad replacement and what fun they were?

snoopy221, Jun 11, 1:02am
LMAO . U just reminded me of the ole Rover inboard disc.

dansue, Jun 11, 1:08am
Welding the rusted exhaust on Triumph 2500 and wondering why its getting lighter down the pit (plastic fuel pipe on fire ! )

upnorth, Jun 11, 1:37am
I see a new thread about Girling brake boosters. These were low in reliability and the customer always had to pay for the repair.

No manufacturers recalls those days.

How about the mechanic telling the customer he couldn't fix his brakes so he made the horn louder.

gsimpson, Jun 11, 1:45am
Reminds me of a mate who was welding exhaust on HQ and heard a bubbling sound. Looked to see glowing spot on fuel tank. Just as well it was a full tank.

beetle1234, Jun 11, 2:30am
Escorts with overfull oil,smoked harder than a chinaman,Drop the oil till normal ,a new set of plugs,a thrash around the block a few time,s. perfect a maori overhall.

beetle1234, Jun 11, 2:34am
Those who might remember the ole Wynn,s carb tune up,hold it at 1000rmp,pour it down the carby(s),then thrash it down the road,funny as a fight in church,you or no one could see behind ya,good stuff it was.

mrfxit, Jun 11, 3:26am
Hell yes, good stuff back then.

snoopy221, Jun 11, 3:43am
l m a o injector cleaner does the same- old twelve valve 2 E otas back in nineties used to clear and reseal valves and decarb- pinged a dose in one i Knew iw beheadin- juss for a lookie.
Used to be a humorous mtway flog . goin quiet as inj cleaner in vac sec throat. wait till ya wanna smoke da houer up dait-LOL

poppajn, Jun 11, 4:10am
Decoke the petrol Bedford's, slowly pour hot water down the carb and keep a few rev's on, every so often hold them flat, they'd cough and splutter but alway's went better after.

beetle1234, Jun 11, 4:42am
Now that is ole school,b4 or after ya coffee,or cuppa tea back then?