I have all ways thought you can own a vehicle without having a drivers licence and my partner has been told we can have our car in joint ownership but yesterday i overheard some people saying someone they knew had bought a car and they reckon it can't go in that persons name with no licence. are these people wrong? bit of a worry when they said they are on their restricted and don't know who can own a vehicle and who can't. so which is true have they changed who can own a vehicle or not?
Apr 9, 6:25pm
No drivers licence needed to own just needed to drive on the road
Apr 9, 6:27pm
Interesting question, i can own a trucking firm ,with 10 trucks, but do not drive any of them, i do not need a licence
Apr 9, 6:29pm
As far as putting the ownership in your name, yes that can be done with no licence. However the joint ownership option has now gone.
As for what somebody's uncle's mate was told they could or couldn't do, who knows. Might have been related to insurance, or finance, or something else entirely.
Apr 9, 8:16pm
1. You can own a car and have it put into your name without a licence. You will need a passport instead. 2. You can jointly 'own' a car, but cannot put a car into joint names any longer. Hope this helps, cheers. (reg car dealer).
Apr 9, 10:09pm
ya im the same. but the issue is registering the vehicles for me but i found a way.
Apr 10, 12:33am
Interesting. So if you don't have a passport and don't have a license how would that work? Would a different form of id be ok?
Apr 10, 1:03am
Thanks people just was a bit like hmm when i heard couldn't have a car in your name with no licence but i knew i was rite or hoped i was, why did they stop people putting vehicles in joint ownership? that sucks.
Apr 10, 2:55am
car CAN have the registered owner be a person with no licence._passport is the other form of Id widely accepted. A person with no licence cannot drive a car on our roads legally. Do be aware that registered ownership which has very little to do with legal ownership.
Apr 10, 2:58am
Official reason was to make only 1 person responsible for paying fees and fines. IMHO is was simply because their computers couldn't cope with more than one name.
Mar 20, 4:19am
Makes no sense whatsoever, given that it used to be there. The joint ownership never had any legal standing, so removing it was just tidying up an anomaly.
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