Dealers must display COnsumer Info on TM?

tamarillo, Mar 8, 4:49pm

Does this article supports my suspicion that a dealer must show the Consumer Information form on TM adverts? Some do, but by no means all, possibly not even most.
Some (probably very few) don't even declare they are a dealer.
What aren't dealers doing this? Why can't TM tweak the soft ware to make it a required field for dealers?
An OP asked a while ago about trying to find out if cars are new imports or NZ new at dealers. A good case for the CI.

tony9, Mar 8, 4:58pm
About time the Commerce Commission started pinging those who are clearly selling In Trade here but not disclosing that.

TM say they cannot enforce the In Trade status but it would not take a rocket scientist to automatically scan previous trading activity to pick it up.

tgray, Mar 8, 5:08pm
If it is an auction, it must be displayed on the ad, because people are entering into a contract online and must be able see the information on the CIN first.
If it is a classified, it does not need to be on the ad, but one must be displayed on the car.
Either way, the customer gets to read the information on the CIN form before buying the car.
Note: this is a completely separate issue and not to be confused with the new consumer laws that have come into effect, giving people the same rights via either auction or classified sales from dealers.

kazbanz, Mar 8, 6:18pm
The issue in the stuff article is to do with failing to display a CIN card at all.
It is required by law for a dealer to display a CIN or customer information notice ON any vehicle they have for sale.
equally the CIN card is required to be explained to the customer. Sighned and dated by them that its understood and a copy of the CIN card is required to be given to the customer
Theres some vital information on a CIN card that a buyer requires by law.
Now to be clear . It is NOT required for a dealer using a classified advert to display the CIN card in the advert.
As far as a CLASSIFIED ADVERT is concerned The internet is just another advertising media same as a paper or a magazine. Imagine the CIN card being required to be displayed for example on every herald 3 line advert or for every car advertised in a single picure advert magazine advert
Incidently I have been argueing regarding a CIN card being required for Trade me auction adverts for some time.
My argument is on the basis that the facility for ALL the information on a CIN card should be clearly displayed in the body of advert itself.
Given the TM auction buyer is buying on the basis of the description in the advert and the photographs provided.
So the contract is that the vehicle meets the description.
so is money owing?
Does the radio get NZ channels ?
Whats the vehicles ID ? -rego/vin
Wof status
rego status.
imported damaged
Diesel tax owing if applicable
where was it last registered?
This is all information that should be clearly available in all auction vehicle advertising.

tamarillo, Mar 8, 8:43pm
Kabanz, great clarification and couldn't agree more that tm should demand this info.
Still a bit confused as to auctions on TM. TGray points to the CIN card being necessary on a tm auction which fits with kabanz I think, and makes sense.
TM could so easily make this compulsory, it's just software and can be written to have a check box to announce if you're a dealer. Once checked the Info of the CIN card becomes necessary.
So many consumers don't know there rights and don't know to insist on seeing it.
It's about time
TM started reacting to these issues. And that more dealers conformed to what is, it seems, a legal necessity.
Personally I'd be happy if this info became obligatory to private sellers too, or at least to best of their knowledge.

tgray, Mar 8, 9:29pm
Why are you still confused?
Two car dealers have answered this for you.
If you want further clarification, please post again, cheers.

kazbanz, Mar 8, 9:36pm
tamarillo. I think you are missing my point.
when you advertise a vehicle on trade me some information is compulsory in the "basic information" area.
So if TM are so desperate to play sheriff then frikken do it.
Put the effort in so the information required to be displayed in a CIN card is a "required" field for ALL auctions.
$ is money owing? YES/NO
Does the radio get NZ channels ? YES/NO
Whats the vehicles REGO NUMBER?
Whats the vehicles VIN number?
Wof expiry date
rego expiry date
imported damaged
Diesel tax owing if applicable
where was it last registered?
ETC. I genuinely don't feel it would add a lot of extra fields to fill in but would solve the issue once and for all

tamarillo, Mar 8, 10:36pm
I was merely being polite and making sure kabanz agreed with the bit about CIN being required to be displayed in TM auction.

tamarillo, Mar 8, 10:39pm
No I get you and thanks, agreed. Either display CIN or TM add fields for the relevant details. If it's law that CIN info is in advert on an auction then it should be there, and TM can easily be proactive in helping consumers by insisting.

kazbanz, May 8, 9:18am
sorry matey I know it seems like Im labouring a point.
TRADE ME are regularly setting themselves up as some sort of "god squad" when it comes to motor vehicle sales.
SO as far as Im concerned- THEY need to put money where mouth is