The picture of the factory is the place i done my apprentice , right now to my true story . With 13 you can get a license for a scooter whom is throttled to 30kph top speed . right so tinkerers figure out ways to make them go faster. i was on a test drive with my 5 speed florret motor on my scooter when the police did find the need to run me over with there car to stop me . and then hide the fact they run me over. When you call them to do actuarl police work! they wont come. There is a asylum seeker place not far from there they murder people and the police never come untill its over, They find the need to beat up people whom smoke and run over kids on the scooters is more important then to stop real criminals. The same road is what the police here start going down its more important to hand out tickets then to attend crime , and if somone had enough . and starts killing pigs he is a te-r-ror-ist?
Dec 21, 4:20pm
After reading the comments at the end of the story it appears they didn't listen to the police and got what they asked for.
Dec 21, 4:25pm
what turn off your sigarette you mean? there is no law that you cant smoke in public. So the police should beat anyone up if they dont do what they feel like you should do as slave?
Dec 21, 4:33pm
No but show some respect,why the need to be differcult.
Dec 21, 4:37pm
i agree with you but that dont give the police the right to beat you to a pulp. what next shoot you like they do in the u.s.a ?
Dec 21, 4:42pm
Just as well they weren't doing more than 4ks over the limit eh.?
Dec 21, 9:00pm
It is common knowledge that smoking is dangerous to your health.
Dec 21, 10:09pm
The most disgusting comment from you intrade.and don't hide behind the disposed immigrant dare you whine about the nz police by calling them pigs.if you must foul mouth them as a guest in our country-then I invite you to leave. Try spending a week in their shoes dealing with drunk violent nasty people and see how you go. Disgusting way to talk.
Dec 21, 10:26pm
Guest.? He's a resident. just like you. Inviting him to leave isn't your prerogative, thank god.
Dec 21, 10:45pm
I'm sorry but that story sounds like a car load of young smart arses giving cops a whole lot of grief and then reaping what they sowed.
In all of my dealings with the NZ Police I have found them to be excellent.
We don't yet have the nihilistic culture the U.S. has where the law is a state of war with the public. Inflammatory rhetoric about killing "pigs" is only going to hasten us towards that destination, is that what anybody wants?
Dec 22, 3:56pm
please read post 1 again buddy that is the swiss police from the same town probably same cops whom ran over the top of me and my scooter when i was a kid . Why do you think i left this police gungster state and migrated to new zealand? so hopfully in time the nz police will start doing the same? if you click the link it is a translation by google . i wrote in the post what exactly went down cop pulls kid from back seat of car to check- kid wants to smoke being 21 thinks he is smart and badmouths to cop coppers bash him to pulp and take him down to station , deny him medical and try to cover it all up. exactly the same thing happened to me cops ran me over with there car interogated me and then coverd up the damage on there car and me as seperate insidence.
Dec 22, 5:08pm
I prefer to believe the 10% that's not true.
Dec 22, 10:04pm
Sound like someone is always the victim never the perpetrator.
Dec 23, 12:41am
Don't thank god gram.most people ignore god and that's why they refer to police as pigs.disgusting show of respect for those who protect us.yes some bad eggs as in everything but no need to blanket them with disrespect.god help us if the force went on strike.
Dec 23, 1:50am
Cool story bro!
Dec 29, 7:30am
go have a cry, they are pigs and you can shove the god crap
Dec 30, 1:32am
That is "the kids" story, when are you going to post the other side of the story
Dec 30, 12:27pm
The police are not here to help you, they are there to make a case against you that will stand up in court. They do other things, but that's a sideline.
Dec 30, 2:44pm
90% true more like 50% and you are asking to put to the ground if being confrontational to police.
Dec 30, 3:35pm
huh where do you read that he was asked that. he was asked to stop smoking he refused as its a given right to smoke in public in switzerland still. then he was wressled to the ground . some time during all this he got severaly insured as he is in the hospital afterwards and they refused him medical assistance when he asked for it . that is the correct translation
Dec 30, 3:37pm
i posted you my story when i was a kid the same pigs ran me over in there cop car because my scooter was going faster then the allowed 30kph i had a license for. to clearify i dont say it was the same entity whom bashed the kid in the article. its the same police station where the pigs are quite possible that pig has now retired i dont know and his offspring do the same work. same cockroaches nest as when i was a kid there is what i mean.
Dec 30, 4:02pm
Another cool story bro!
Apr 11, 5:32am
Cool story but I doubt that was the way it happened,more likely he injured himself while in the cell.
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