Makes economic sense. Holden have been having difficulty selling the last of the Aussie built cars both sides of the Tasman. Getting a five year contract that is a rollover of the last ten years is good for our Police. Also gives five years for other manufacturers to put forward proposals past then.
Dec 18, 12:23pm
Difficulty? Really? Commodore usually in the top 3/4 in Aust for sales, with a drop in the last months as people wait for the VF2
Dec 18, 1:31pm
Maybe they Stockpile them, or is it simply Holden contract and they supply vauxhalls later? Be cool to go back to black and white panda cars.
Dec 18, 2:05pm
GM Holden is the best all round choice, only jealously and bias would stop anyone realising that.
Dec 18, 2:10pm
Yes the commodore will be replaced with opel insignia, this is what the police are going to drive. this is very old news it was reported in july.
Which will probably be replaced with the Malibu once they realise those are cheaper to source, which will in turn be replaced by the Insignia when people realise the Malibu is crap and so the cycle will continue
Dec 18, 3:21pm
That is something a biased person would say.
Dec 18, 5:51pm
You want to look at both Ford and Holdens overall Aussie passenger market share over the last year, even if you leave both Falcon and Commodore out of it, its not a pretty picture for either of them. Colorado and Ranger is what keeps them going now.
Dec 19, 11:25am
Quote extract! I like this bit . "Holden has worked hard to ensure our vehicles are not only of a high calibre but they are also technologically advanced and great value for money," he said.
"This announcement is exciting for an iconic brand like Holden and shows that Commodore is not only relevant today but will also be relevant in the future."
Dec 19, 5:10pm
Rhubarb,Rhubarb,Rhubarb.With apologies to the goon show.
Dec 20, 7:56pm
Quoting a policeman I talked to about six weeks ago "Some of our new Commodores are using so much oil that we've seized a few engines"
I'd have thought that shouldn't be happening on such late model cars.
Dec 20, 8:18pm
Same here in oz.
Dec 20, 9:33pm
But compared to what , Chinese , wouldnt be hard
Dec 21, 2:26am
Lots of new motors tend to do this for mixed reasons. Pre-cats that collapse and rain havoc on the motor, piston skirt length and rings reduced in thickness to a high degree to increase economy and composite bores made of materials which are not the quickest to bed in. Dunno why the holden motors do it, take comments like that with a grain of salt though, smacking the sump in mounting a curb isn't "using oil" even if they find none left when the rod comes out the bottom.
I think the commodores are decent kit for what they're made to do, I dunno what I'd choose over them in the current market.
Dec 21, 4:51am
Sure it wasnt craptiva he was talking about, had a cop recently who just seized a craptiva and told me he wants a commodore as they do not give much grief. I am a big ford fan but i do think holden have the best package for police at the mo.
Dec 21, 11:28am
I think the new Subaru legacy would do the job and be a lot safer with the awd.
Dec 21, 6:54pm
But with the turning circle of the S. S. Queen Mary.
Dec 21, 8:58pm
I once had a Rambler and in the factory manual they mentioned special models for Police work, that had strengthened doors and suspension. Do Holden make such vehicles?
Dec 21, 9:24pm
cars handle good of the factory floor now so no suspension upgrades but other things like alternator, i think an auxiliary battery to run lights etc maybe vinyl seats but not really a lot of difference.
Dec 21, 11:15pm
the run the engine computer in police mode, a bit more power and later gear shifts.
Dec 22, 2:01pm
And they have thee ss s commodore factory suspension in their omegas so a bit lower and firmer
Dec 22, 2:13pm
BMW had the best tender a few years back but police management were worried about the image it would portray. It's all about the image you know.
Dec 22, 2:15pm
Two burly cops with all their kit on side by side in an omega is the start of a punch up !
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