How can lights be on yet battery flat?

omaria, Feb 20, 12:48pm
The light switch is on off. I have a Ford Focus and its a puzzle how that can happen. Last time the car was used was daylight and I know if light is left on an alarm beeps to warn me. None of that happened, yet in the morning when I went down to the garage, the lights were on and car won't start. The lightswitch says 'off'. any relevant ideas anyone?

ryanm2, Feb 20, 12:57pm
You may have left an indicator on, I think my old VW would do that, if indicator left on, and car was turned off, that side park light would come on. May be a fault with the light control module.

mechnificent, Feb 20, 1:02pm
The lights switch probably operates a relay, which is an electric magnet that closes some contacts to make the lights go. The contacts in the realy may have got stuck together and not be seperating when the light switch is turned off. it sounds like a job for an auto electrician,,, A simple job though.

zirconium, Feb 20, 1:10pm
Running lights requires less "oomph" than starting the car, which is the answer to the question in the title. :)

As for the actual problem, what the others said.

intrade, Feb 20, 1:47pm
ok this is a long shot but thats whyt my iveco turbo daily did lights on battery flat. a stoat like animal called a marder had eaten the rubber seal in the firewall so water did enter the main wiring loom and water entered the fuse box and coroded it so the light circuit was shorted inside the fuse box to be permanent on on its own.
needed a new fuse box and repair the boot on the wiring with silicone .
leaking windscreens can do the same thing to fuse boxes on some cars

skin1235, Feb 20, 1:57pm
immobiliser has been activated

omaria, Feb 20, 6:22pm
Thanks everyone, battery has been charged and things seem ok for now. I was just confused how on earth the lights could be on.

andrewcg53, Jun 6, 9:00am
Could be starter motor