Have a 1996 Terrano with original remote. It has 4 buttons, one for lock, one for unlock, one for back hatch window, and one for interior light. It has started to intermittently not lock. Sometimes it will lock after pushing the lock button a few times in different ways. All the other buttons work, although you have to hold the unlock button for a few seconds sometimes to get it to unlock. How do I work out whether the remote is transmitting or not? Where do you go to get this sorted out?
Jul 5, 9:48pm
Have you tried a new battery in the remote?
Jul 6, 12:42am
yes, has new battery.
Jul 6, 1:31am
Id been having the same locking problem with my 1999 Maxima remote. Unlocking, bootlid opener and inside light buttons all work fine. I took mine apart and gave the contacts on the circuit board a clean with a very slightly damp tissue and was amazed how much dirt came off it. Seemed to work a lot better after that. Remote looks like this: https://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/photoserver/full/395198238.jpg
Jul 6, 1:38am
Yes thats the remote. Does it just clip together. Didn??
Jul 6, 1:55am
just clips together. Take the battery out first, and use a skinny screwdriver, knife etc and prize apart on the side at the key ring end. Its pretty simple inside once you have the back off, circuit board just sits there and lifts out, and then the rubber backing (like a computer keyboard), and under that the button. You will see the little semi circle copper contacts where the buttons press against. When you clip the back on, it is what locates the circuit board. Good luck.
Jul 6, 2:32am
Thank you nzmax. Done that and all seems good now. I guess time will tell.
Interesting to see that it says inside it is 314.9. mhz. That is pretty close to some garage door remotes that say they do 315mhz. Would it work if I got one of those cheap garage door remotes and program it off this remote to give me a spare (obviously only program for lock and unlock, and not the other 2 buttons)
Jul 6, 3:10am
Neither of my remotes make mention of the frequency. My garage door remote is the size of a video cassette tape. at least is would be hard to lose your keys. lol.
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