Police are looking into it

upnorth, Jun 6, 5:17pm

tony9, Jun 6, 6:51pm
I am sure they are not the only ones looking into the hole.

I guess the police are rounding up all black american males in a 10 mile radius who own a shovel.

skin1235, Jun 6, 7:11pm
I guess you could call it a sink hole
in reality its a burst water main that has found an access point into a large underground waste or storm water system
sinkholes are usually natural occurrences, erosion from beneath
this is a man made failed water main

tamarillo, Jun 6, 7:22pm
Warning to all drivers of 2 ton SUVs.

intrade, Jun 6, 8:34pm
maybe its God telling them not to shoot black people.

purple666, Jun 6, 9:06pm
Or maybe he is telling them to shoot more? Just as likely a senario.

klrider, Jul 13, 9:15pm
Why? Do smaller cars float over holes?