Is it wise/common/acceptable to approach a dealership and ask if they are interested in buying a car? I.e "swapping" for cash, not trading in.
Oct 15, 9:25pm
Why not ring around and see. Understand that what you may get will be a long way short of what similar cars in the yard are selling for.
Oct 15, 9:29pm
i am not a dealer but i know a dealer has to sell your car for a profit after and give a consumer guarantee act. basically sortof mean whom ever buys it can sue the dealer for the next 10 years for every hidden fault he did not disclose. its not quite as extreem but you get the picture? so either its a top car and your selling it extreemly below value to them or he offers you scrap value as that is the best option for him sell it after as end of live scrap car , i think no consumer act on scrap. but not sure . there is a few dealers on here who can tell you more exactly how and why
Oct 15, 9:33pm
Ok thanks. Thats what i thought Intrade. I emailed a few, only one replied to my email and i haven't heard back since his first email so thought maybe it's not a done thing. Just curious what people do when they need to sell a car ASAP sort of thing. Keen to accept bottom dollar as I thought thats what would be offered from a dealer- similar scenario to trade in value type of thing.
Oct 15, 9:48pm
3 day auction on trademe at $1 reserve. Gone.
Oct 15, 10:39pm
Not a dealer but I have offered a couple of cars I wanted to sell to dealers in the past and they would buy them but they wanted a big margin - about 5k on a 15k retail car. Only had to park them on the yard as they were mint. So I sold privately.
Oct 15, 11:33pm
totalimp- Please don't take the following as negative You are asking retail money or more for your truck. The Vehicle has had a fair few dings and by your description has had a hard life. none of that makes it appealing to a dealer. By your description theres $500-$1000 P and P around it and the dealer would only be interested if theres a good profit in the deal for him. My GUESS would be a dealer might pay 13k for that truck as it stands
Oct 15, 11:35pm
What kind of cars were they? What price MORE than the dealer offered did you actually get/
Oct 16, 1:45am
No i appreciate the feedback thanks kazbanz. I want it sold ASAP so any feedback is good. I was prepared (and happy to accept) for a dealer to turn around and say 15K ish so good to know. I might just drop the price and see how it goes on here. I did an online valuation from turners which came in at $12K based on the 1 car they sold in the last year.
Oct 16, 1:55am
If you hang on to it too long, and stubbornly try and even get $14 to $15K for it, then it wont happen sorry.
What will happen, is time will devalue it even more, and before you know it, it will be hard to get even 9 or 10K for it.
Oct 16, 1:59am
Really? Oh geez. I based the value loosely on what other jeeps are for sale online when i listed. I haven't checked what else is online since though. Eep. Bummer.
Oct 16, 2:04am
Have just dropped the price a couple of grand so will see how the next week goes. Slowly drop it down from there i guess. Thanks for your help.
Oct 16, 2:10am
Asking prices are very different from selling prices. Even dealers often don't get what they realistically reckon a car is worth. There has been such a buying frenzy in the new market in recent times that the used market is somewhat oversupplied. You may strike it lucky if someone really really wants that model in that colour. Good luck.
Oct 16, 2:32am
Shit. Maybe i should chuck our other cars up for sale as well then instead of waiting. Heck, here's me thinking we'll price them right to get a quick sale easily. Clearly not.
Oct 16, 2:38am
listing prices are useless only use actual sale prices as your guide. I have sold many cars on here and the sale always occurs when the price is right. dealers do not make the money many believe so don't think they are all ripping you off.
Oct 16, 3:00am
I recently (3 months ago) sold my Mazda Axela privately for $9.2k. It was really tidy-almost perfect. 04 2300cc done 125km. Nothing needed to be spent. Local Mazda dealer said he would put it on his yard for $12k and probably sell it for $11k which seemed realistic. He offered me $8k but I didnt want another one (shopping for Brand New) I thought his trade-in valuation was fair. I thought the others were taking the pi55. Toyota offered $6k Suzuki offered $5.5k Honda offered $5k
Oct 16, 3:28am
Were these trade In values? you can not burn both ends of the candle, others might have had less margin at the top making the deal still better.
Oct 16, 3:31am
stevo2 it is good you are bringing this up maybe kaz can clear a few myths tomorrow about trade v retail. I forgot to ask what did you buy?
Oct 16, 3:33am
I wouldn't panic, its just the way it is at least for the moment. Its just that patience will be needed and a bit of Meeting The Market may possibly be needed. Those vehicles aren't perceived as being the most reliable, most economical, most value holding models out there.
Oct 16, 3:37am
Yes, these were trade in values. The car would sell at $11k. Honda offered $5k as a trade and their retail prices are non negotiable. All cars were brand new and at recommended retail prices. I understand that a dealer must markup and make a profit which is only fair but Im suggesting that some are trying to make more than they should. In my opinion if a car would list at $12k and "sell" at $11k then a profit of $3 or even $4k should be ample. Especially if it was a minter. All dealers said it was one of the nicest they had seen.
Oct 16, 3:45am
Hi fish, I can only talk from my own personal experiences. You read on here that dealers are putting tiny margins on, even tgray says he adds 5 hundy then on sells. I've just given trade in values from 4 dealers that says otherwise. I bought a new Suzuki S-Cross Ltd for Mrs Stevo. She likes it and thats the main thing eh. Happy wife = Happy life.
Oct 16, 3:46am
ok I bought a new tractor recently my trade I thought important to the deal so quiz time case offered 32k john deere 33k duetz farr 44k all equal specs and horse power guess which one was the better deal over all.
Oct 16, 3:50am
fish has gone home. 3tomany on line now fish got a life time ban
Oct 16, 2:08pm
Hey stevo Heres my honest opinion. Your car was $9995 to ask MAYBEE at a stretch $10995 to ask by a dealer. The price it will fetch is between $8500 and $9995--so that's what a dealer will get in the hand for the car. To be honest private prices are not a lot different from dealer prices. Keep in mind yours is an 11 year old car with over 100k on the clock now. When you say the mazda trade in figure was the realistic figure. Think about this --3 total strangers offered within coowee of the same figure. So doesn't it seem more logical that they are right and the mazda guy was trying to buy your business. Now you are thinking -say I took the 5k and it sold for the $8500 kaz says. That's still $3500 profit. Right? Nope-First take off gst. Second take off reconditioning costs which are still around $500 for a really clean car. Next allow for CGA claims a year down the track. Then allow for operating costs for the yard. The numbers shrink pretty fast. Im not talking hypothetical either These are fact of life figures for a dealer.
Oct 16, 2:20pm
Was on wife's log in. Both cars were Mercedes Benz. I got a $2k more for one and $3k more for the other - so probably about mid-way $ between dealer wholesale and retail at that time. Was a few years ago.
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