Problem with motox bike.can any1 help

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skin1235, Feb 19, 4:08pm
are they an interference motor kaz?, the same bike came out badged as Kawasaki 125's for a long time ( KMX?), I know the cam chains are fairly robust but on occasion they did drop a chain, got a feeling they were able to bend the valves but didn't normally destroy the piston ( rebates in piston top )

kazbanz, Feb 19, 7:38pm
sorry matey but the OP clearly stated the model in the very first post.
The DRZ125 is the DRZ125 from year dot --same engine

kazbanz, Feb 19, 7:41pm
Same bike KLX125/drz125 same as -KLX110/drz110 just different color plastics.
Ya know I can't remember now re interference. but that isn't the problem here Im betting. --UNLESS nephey rode it into a creek and hydraulic locked it.--unlikely though

kitkat66, Feb 19, 7:46pm
Before you take note of anything above you can do a simple test.

Put it in first gear and rock it. Is there any resistance ?
If not=serious. If there is it's definitely not piston or valves.

skin1235, Feb 19, 10:26pm
good point, its something we all do, but never include in an instruction set

star29, Jun 7, 2:13pm
Wow kazbanz that's a very detailed post to go through.Thank you for taking the time to post. :-) will give it a go and see how we get on.fingers crossed for an easy fix.