No power to the cigarette lighter

zak1998, Mar 27, 12:46am
but not a fuse as its ok what else could it be (Mazda)

gsimpson, Mar 27, 1:33am
Ignition on? Corroded terminals. Wire fallen off the back of it.
(just things I have come across in the past)

daryl14, Mar 27, 2:20pm
The thing you are trying to plug in is the wrong shape. They are many and varied.

poppajn, Mar 27, 8:08pm
It's part of the stop smoking campain

upnorth, Mar 27, 8:40pm
Could be flat battery or no battery.

beast9, Mar 27, 10:46pm
could be the center contact in the middle of the cig plug had that in my mazda familia gave it a clean and good as gold

sharchew, Mar 31, 9:20pm
Stop smoking through the bloody thing away u will feel much better

ml6989, Apr 1, 5:09am
Some lighter sockets (AU Falcon comes to mind) have a fusible link built into them where the plug goes onto the socket. Remove plug from socket and see if power is getting that far. If so then socket will need repaired / replaced.

gmphil, Apr 1, 6:41am
come on this could be serious navman doesn't work now he cant find his way home from work

strobo, Apr 1, 12:24pm
True that above. amp rated type socket, have a (grain size fusible link ) . Some Mitsibishi do too.

o0_hamburger_0o, Apr 1, 2:59am
Have you checked ALL related fuses n not just one?