Buying a fresh of the boat import from a dealer

-bonnieparker-, Jan 3, 5:36pm
i would assume that because it has had to go through compliance etc that it would be a "safe" option to buy a newly imported vehicle, would this be accurate?
would anyone have any advice re purchasing a new import from japan?
thank you very much

sw20, Jan 3, 5:37pm
From a dealer you have protection under the CGA. Still get a pre purchase inspection from your mechanic or someone like Car Inspection Services.

kazbanz, Jan 3, 5:43pm
Bonnie- Without going into this in depth--(Im happy to do so if you wish)
Compliance should establish the car is SAFE to be on the road.
It WILL NOT establish the cars mechanical reliablility.
equally an AA APRAISAL is not a pre purchase inspection.

-bonnieparker-, Jan 3, 6:29pm
awesome thank you very much guys. pre-purchase inspection will be added to the list of requirements.

martin11, Jan 3, 7:01pm
Is it a boat or a car you are looking at ?

-bonnieparker-, Jan 3, 7:11pm
car. title meant to say "off the boat", not "of the boat"

tamarillo, Jan 3, 10:32pm
Op, discuss stereo head deck as you negotiate. If it's a modern car with screen it will likely be all in Japanese and may need changing to NZ unit. Even if this is not a problem establish whether it will have radio with NZ reception if this is important to you.
Also establish that it has summer tyres on, not Japanese snow tyres.

-bonnieparker-, Jan 4, 2:21am
oh thanks tamarillo, i never considered that, but i have been in cars with jap stereos with that problem so will definitely bring it up

elect70, Jan 4, 9:00pm
Could be a risk , compliancing is pretty tough & if it fails you have no comeback & stuck with a lemon

-bonnieparker-, Jan 4, 9:37pm
i was going to wait till it had gone through compliance before paying

gemini11, Jan 4, 11:28pm
A lot of dealers do a deposit and if it doesnt come up to what you expect then deposit is returned.

kazbanz, Jan 4, 11:45pm
I don't think you read the thread title/op properly mate.
She is wanting to buy a car already being imported by a dealer.

kazbanz, Jan 4, 11:55pm
Bonnie -Here is how I recommend you approach this deal. -Its how a dealer I know of does things
car to be are sold with the following included as part of the price. Registration for 6 months,As close to a new WOF as is possible,Oil and filter changed .
We sell a lot of cars to people from out of town. Because of this we have a system we use that you might quite like.
1)You pay us a holding deposit of $500 and inspection fee of $149
Total $649. This stops us selling it to anyone else and pays for a FULL pre purchase inspection by either the AA or Car inspection services.(you choose) To be clear $500 will be refunded if you are not completely satisfied with the results of the inspection.
2)You give the car a look over to let you know if you (or if you are out of town have a friend) feel its worth looking at once the car arrives in NZ (this has the advantage its free)
3}We draw up the paperwork so you have whats agreed to in black and white sighned by us. we e mail that to you
4)The compliance inspection is carried out and any minor paint touch ups are done. This inspection to be forwarded to you.
5) You indicate you are satisfied with the compliance inspection. If not your entire deposit ($649) is refunded to you
6)The pre purchase inspection is carried out
7) We (you and us) sort out the logistics of you getting here.
8)You then carry out your own inspection /test drive. AGAIN if this is not to your satisfaction your $500 deposit is refunded.
9)We register the car to you when you tell us to --(some prefer to skip step 8 we will go with whatever you prefer.)
10) of course we regularly update you on the progress of the vehicle as soon as we know whats happening. .
How does that sound?

If you think this sounds good then we need some questions answered
First of all This is the information I need for the paperwork Both to register the car and to do the legal stuff our end.
I need your details So the information I need is mostly on your/her drivers license.
Your name as per license
Your date of birth
Your license number (5a)
The version number of your license (5b)
Your address
Your phone numbers.
What bank are you with

The last question is one of logistics. How do you intend to pay for the car?
Clipped to this e mail is a copy of a deposit slip for the holding deposit.
We are XXX XXX ,the bank account is with the bank. branch the account number is
Not being pushy here but some folks don't realise they have limits on POS transactions.

-bonnieparker-, Jan 5, 3:17am
thats awesome thanks heaps kazbanz! I'll take that to the dealer and see if they are happy to work with it, or something along those lines. This car is being imported and going through compliance in the next couple weeks so fingers crossed!

elect70, Jan 5, 9:09pm
Iassume fresh off the boat means it hasnt gone though compliance .hence why they are sold cheap . I bought 1 for my ex exactly that way ,wound up having to put NZ compliance seat belts in it .

aj.2., Jan 6, 1:22am

kazbanz, Mar 18, 1:39pm
nahh basicly OP gets first option on the car-stil buying normal way through a dealer