One oil vs. another.?

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intrade, Aug 5, 7:35pm
post what zear the engine is that determens how far back you can go.
i found fuchs or morrys oils have a good range to meet specs

intrade, Aug 5, 7:37pm
yea looks ok if car is early mid 2000

ambo11, Aug 5, 7:37pm
Personally Comsolve I honestly think any name brand 5w30 oil will be fine for your car. Its not a high performance car, and modern oils are excellent now. Most important thing is to choose the right weight of oil (5w30, 10w40 etc).
Synthetics are more for new cars with higher revving, higher performing engines which rev harder, carry turbos and create more heat etc. although if you want to spend the money use synthetic. Try putting your rego into the Supercheap vehicle parts finder and it will list what they advise, or the castrol lube guide online.

comsolve, Aug 5, 7:39pm
It's 2006 G11. They had a body change over around then and this is the newer one though I'm not sure when they changed from the Q to H engines.

r.g.nixon, Aug 5, 7:40pm
Penrite 5w30 full synthetic 4L for $25.95 (Special in Jan 2017)

intrade, Aug 5, 7:41pm
if a oil states its good for dpf then thats a danger because dpf need oil who does not lubricate well. They have special engine bearings to tolerate oil with no zink and thats not a good thing if you used that oil on a engine who needs the extra luberication. So either it has this and the dpf gets full of contermination over time or it dont and then it is deadly for older petrol engines.

comsolve, Aug 5, 7:42pm

intrade, Aug 5, 7:44pm
i ordered some oil for my bora from them and some corrosion inhibtor for my central heating.

franc123, Aug 5, 7:46pm
This is the best overall advice to follow, while the factory interval is 15k for those engines, unless its being run hot constantly it is preferable to do it at 10, its good insurance against the possibility of timing chain stretch. Use a name brand mid priced oil that meets spec and a Nissan oil filter.

comsolve, Aug 5, 7:47pm
Got that thanks. So 5w30, SN, No DPF.

I think the Nulon ticks the boxes.

intrade, Aug 5, 7:48pm
the nulon should do for your car its SN
Snap .

if you look at the list above lastest oil oldest is SJ then SL after SM and the newest standard is SN

comsolve, Aug 5, 7:54pm
Is there a reason for this? In the past I have usually used Ryco. But I am being cautious here as this is the lowest K's car I have ever owned. I bought it at 26k.

intrade, Aug 5, 7:55pm
ryco oil filter are Shite use factory or WIX

comsolve, Aug 5, 8:01pm
Got that.
I see Partmaster sell Wix. Pretty dear at around $24. Does Repco have them? I can't see them listed.

How do K&N and Fram stack up if I can't get the Wix in Hastings?

ambo11, Aug 5, 8:05pm
But a good quality filter at $24 isn't dear? Considering its the only filter your engine internals and oil has, its worth buying quality?
You'd probably find a secondand engine would be $1500 or more, well over 2 grand fitted, that makes quality oil and filters cheap. depends how you look at it I guess? Sounds like you are overthinking it a bit. relax, and get a name brand oil and a Nissan filter, then just enjoy your car.

ladatrouble, Aug 5, 8:09pm
You want an ACEA oil, API specs are for Yank Tanks. A3/B4 won't meet SN because it has too much ZDDP, and won't meet C3 because that is low SAPS and A3/B4 has just too much of everything. I'd be looking at Penrite oils, and the Repco oils are made by Penrite. A3/B3 will be a semi, A3/B4 full synthetic.

comsolve, Aug 5, 8:10pm
Sorry. My comment is not disagreeing. If it's $24, well it's $24 I will spend.

comsolve, Aug 5, 8:14pm
The Penrite is:

Right now I am trying to find a owners manual which includes this model of engine. The results on Google are rather spammy :-(

franc123, Aug 5, 8:21pm
Eek no, especially not Fram. Go price the proper Japanese made one from your Nissan agent, I'd be very surprised if it retailed for more than $24 including gst, there isn't really any justification for not using them if the aftermarket ones are so expensive.

comsolve, Aug 5, 8:24pm
Ok. I will go and see them tomorrow when I am in the city.

comsolve, Aug 5, 9:07pm
Finally managed to find a PDF after searching through a bunch of spam results and links to content Nissan has DMCA'ed.

It uses 3L of SL to SN or GF 3 to 5 oil.

Thanks so much everyone. I really feel I have learned something tonight :-)

m16d, Aug 5, 9:07pm
I occasionally cut filters open on our gear to check for engine parts.
Fram filters are just as good as any filter with the car makers name on it.
One to avoid would be Ryco made in china shit.

intrade, Aug 5, 9:13pm

comsolve, Aug 5, 9:21pm
From what I can see he advocates for Wix and K&N.
I need a fallback if I can't get a Nissan filter tomorrow as I am over an hour's drive to the city.

delerium1, Aug 5, 9:43pm
if you log onto the supercheap auto website, they have a parts selector that includes oil and filter suitable for your make and model. They dont do wix filters, but wix doesnt cover all cars anyway (cant get one for my hyundai at this stage).