passing lanes and let vehicles that are allowed to travel at 100 kph to pass, instead of being a twat and racing your over powered rig to show off.
Sep 1, 1:23am
Trucks are aloud to use passing lanes and it probably the safest place for them to pass another vehicle. Car drivers just need to learn how to put their foot to the floor to pass other vehicles as they don’t need a km long straight to do it in.
Sep 1, 2:44am
everyone is entitled to use a passing lane for passing.
The actual problem is passing lanes are wider and subconsciously people feel safer in them to drive faster without realizing it.
The reverse of this is shown where NZTA want drivers to slow down, they install solid median and side barriers. The feeling of less space slows drivers down.
If you need to pass someone, plan the pass early and use the accelerator
Sep 1, 2:46am
If I'm driving my RV at 105, easily keeping pace in a stream of traffic, don't overtake me in your POS civic, push in front of me and then slow down to 85 like a twat.
Sep 1, 3:14am
People do that when I'm towing a trailer with my Ram, they expect because I'm towing a trailer I'm going to travel slowly, whereas I can easily keep up with the flow of traffic and they race past on the passing lane only to get to the end then slow down again.
Sep 1, 3:21am
+1 biggest mistake i see is people leave it far to late to overtake. overtake at the start of the passing lane not the end of it.
if you can't pass a truck thats doing 90 then you have no business trying to overtake it.
i don't ask anyone to do anything different. just drive your regular speed and i don't care what that is.
Sep 1, 3:24am
Part of the problem is that a lot of people only pass on passing lanes now. There can be a long straight with no oncoming traffic and everyone just sits there and wont pass
Sep 1, 3:25am
i havn't had much of that lately. tho i have reported a few that increase their speed by 40kmh up the passing lane to stop people overtaking, then slow back down to 80. just passive aggressive doing retaliation tactics. especially south side of whangerai.
Sep 1, 3:27am
Perhaps it’s because they wish to travel at 100kph and expect you to follow the road rules and travel at 90kph because you’re towing.
Sep 1, 3:31am
in a way its good as its safer. but it think a lot of it is people that are so used to huge amount of traffic where there is no point in passing, so they wait until its easy.
you can see that when someone turns off into a side road or driveway. the car behind stops instead of going past (no oncoming traffic).
Sep 1, 3:50am
Hence the reason for a good radar detector. A quick stab on the go fast pedel and get on with my day. Every day you see people sit right up the rear of a truck and trailer for km after km so you end up passing them, as well as the truck because they appear too unskilled to over take in a timely fashion. The same drivers tend to then take an entire passing lane to get past one truck, then not allowing anyone else because they won't hit the gas pedels as they might go a km or 2 over speed.
Sep 1, 4:01am
Have to admit I can be a little guilty òf this. Just trying to be safer. 347kw allows me to pass quickly in passing lanes. I will do it on a long straight if I know the road.
Sep 1, 4:15am
Thereto scared to pass now the social engineering from government and hiwaytrolls has made their brain switch off,theres to many vehicles on the road now anyway,as said the f!@#$wits pass then pull in front and slow down when passing lane ends,this government going drop speed limit to 70kmh on some roads,look at the drivers not the roads and what they drive and lift the bar abit,i know of a person just got her licence and there is know way she should be driving.
Sep 1, 4:21am
Don't forget the blind deaf fuckers that pullout when your already doing the same thing . Quick blast of the horn freaks them out .
Sep 1, 5:22am
The strict enforcement of the road rules has a lot to do with this. An amendment to the rules would instantly solve a heap of issues. As ive posted many times before, left lane speed limit 90km/h right lane 110 for the passing lane with the last 100m being 100km/h
Sep 1, 5:56am
quite right, sheer lack of enforcement means people learn to drive badly. targeting speed doesn't do much to all the other driving issues.
Sep 1, 6:10am
Radar detection did not work for my wife doing this she got caught by a mufti car .
Sep 1, 6:32am
I have noticed that its the drivers who have just bought a big car with lotto money, tourists,and young hoons ,they dont seem to actually know how to drive on the open road
Sep 1, 6:38am
They may wish to travel at 100, but if they are relying on their speedo they are probably only doing 90.
Sep 1, 9:04am
The detector is trying to tell you something. don't ignore it.
Sep 1, 9:27am
yeah its faulty you need a new 1
Sep 1, 10:49am
And this is the problem, your speed limit towing is 90, so stop breaking the law and let those not towing pass. trucks, RV and Caravan pose all sorts of issues, poor vision for those following , they take up the whole lane and they are heavy with limits to braking. simple physics is why the law says 90 kph no matter how big a hero you think you are. If there is one group the police should target is that lot. This is the single biggest issue of fatal car deaths (head on collisions) and the roads are mostly single lane in the greater NZ.
Sep 1, 11:29am
Have not got one ! both times I have been caught have been muftis following behind . Not bad in 40 years driving only 2 times caught . I use my eyes and look for the cops .
Sep 1, 11:31am
Are Ewes not strong enough?
Sep 1, 12:40pm
I have three actual speeding tickets to my name after 42 years of driving. The third was just the other day. The ironic thing was I got caught doing exactly the same speed when I got pinged the first time. It look close to 30 years to get the first one.
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