OK This is about petrol and diesel but Diesel first. Right i keep telling since 10 or so years that you should fit a diesel additive in your fuel at every tank of diesel . Now this is not So important now as it once was but you still want to have some additive in there in any case Still.
Jul 5, 3:52am
Now back to the beginning We had high sulfur Diesel. The only reason sulfur was removed was because it destroyes emission systems over time. Now on a side note something to put in the back of your head. "Almost any problem on mothern cars is thanks to emission systems". Now Sulfur is a lubricator and sulfur swells rubber seals = the seals on a older diesel and there was no electronic diesel till about mid 1980. The sulfur of the diesel also eats in to the steel petrol underground tanks over time . remember we only had high sulfur diesel in these tanks . This is important because it explaines what the unknowen problem was later on. Now they changed to low sulfur fuel who does not lube as well as the sulfur diesel did. Diesel pumps are exclusively cooled and lubed by the fuel. So they had to add a additive to comply with the minimum lube standard.
Jul 5, 3:55am
ok all good it meets the minimum standard who is bearly enough to lube any diesel . but who gives a rats solong as the emission system works right. Now thus far there is no problem. But almost any diesel got nuked with this new fuel- unless you added the additive. but why . and yes i was right as almost always .
Jul 5, 4:01am
The problem is the tanks and pipes are saturated by sulfur. The new diesel is dry and ethanol is mostly used in the process. Ethanol binds water its gona be a problem also on petrol cars and why you should never ever use any fuel with E" like for example E10 in petrol. The problems in petrol is a different one but its the ethanol also. Now What is the problem the fuel produced meets the minimum standard . Nothing wrong there. The problem is cross contermination.
Jul 5, 4:06am
The fuel leaves the makers place. gets in the pipes that used to hyve high sulfur diesel from pipes tankers to petrol undreground tanks. By now i would say every last underground tank has been replaced. Because of what happened with this cross contermination of new and old fuel. The mixing caused if moisture was present A RAPID-AGRESSIVE-CORROSION. This destroyed the bearly meeting lubricity of the fuel . So unless you got the additive in your fuel or you where lucky and this fuel was not already converted to a non lubricating corrosive Diesel When you pumped it in your car. And you used it up quickly like courier drivers who refill there tanks quick and often You would end up otherwise with diesel injection system faliure . of leaking seals to seezed pumps to complete corroded systems from tank to injectors.
Jul 5, 4:13am
Now why do you still need to add the additive. Tanks are new pipes are flushed with only low sulfur fuel so shel be right . Right. Well not quite . The russion roulette table is still spinning . because can you test and do you test what fuel you actuarly pump in to the tank of your vehicle? i doubt you can or do. but what you can do is still add the additive every now again and not run the tank empty as thats bad for any modern car wirh fuel injection . Carburettor not so much as carb cars dont need the fuel to cool the electric fuelpump.
Jul 5, 4:16am
NOW TO PETROL And why not to use bio or mostly knowen as ethanol blends. Ethanol is a form of non drinkable alcohol. As you know alcohol binds with water its why you dont have seperated layers in your wiskey glass when the ice cubes melted.
Jul 5, 4:24am
its a knowen fact that water is assosiated with rust. Next is the E10 is 10% is what the number stands for so 90% is suposedly hidrogarbon benzine and other stuff that make up the gasoline. benzin es extreemly cancer causing on a side not if somone wants to tell that the retards in california who sue vw for emission cheating plus you die from petrol fumes but not diesel fumes its a knowen fact. Side note end
now This mix of petrol-ethanol. You test if you have ethanol in fuel by adding water and shaking it . What happens is called phase seperation the ethanol stops binding to the petrol and binds to the water instead. You then can test by looking how much more water you have over and above the ammount you added. So for 1 liter 1000 milli liter there is 100 milli liter ethanol. So if you add 200 mill water to this liter gasoline you will have 300ml water as it phase seperates out of the fuel when you shake and let it seetle . if you think of how its tested you can already see the main problem with this bio crap.
Jul 5, 4:31am
water goes to the bottom of the tank - and so will the water ethanol once . Phase separation occured in your tank. The solution is if you think you had E10 E15 E80 or what ever in your gasoline you would want to run a other additive its called Ethanol-defender. I dont know if it works but it would be a similar item as you need on Diesel . Only far few and between vehicles are equiped to run ethanol blends . i have not done research how bio petrol fuel eats rubbers buts its a knowen fact also. Best to avoid any petrol with E and i am not sure if Z also has bio crap i know its written on gull pumps E10 if you look. 98 octane non bio is BP that i know off. you should run 95 Ron minimum in any car and only 91 if you have to. 98 is required for high output but if not available id rather burn 95 then 98Ethanol fuels
Pulled the seals out of a Bosch pump recently they were all hard and cracked,know what you mean.
Jul 5, 6:59am
A few years ago I rebuilt a Toyota injector pump. While I was researching this on the internet, I came across several sites that advocated using transmission fluid as a cheaper diesel additive. I tried it and as my vehicle was running well to start with, it was hard to tell if there was any benefit, but it certainly did no harm. It apparently is not uncommon in some diesel circles.
Jul 5, 9:16am
correct the sulfur did swell seals and make them stay soft. as where new fuel dry and hardens seals over time. with a additive you can prolong that time . The reason why it leakse after you add additive is if the seal is already hard it will crack when you use the softening additives and it pisses out the crack. This would be why it would leake soon after "one" use the additives. and yes i can explain almost anything its called doing realistic research backed by proof.
Jul 5, 9:54am
Will it stop your kraut wagen Chenobyling itself?!
Jul 5, 10:29am
Not if you're diving in Ukraine.
Jul 5, 12:43pm
I put a squirt of Morey's into each tankful of Diesel in my 01 Merc Sprinter, still running smooth and clean at 360,000k.
Jul 5, 2:12pm
I've never used an additive in my 2003 Ducato and at 370,000 Km it still runs as smooth and as clean as the day it rolled out of the showroom.
(I think we can agree on how good Euro common rail diesels are).
Jul 5, 2:24pm
lol a pukato .
Jul 5, 2:55pm
I have a fiat ducato camper and use the moreys each time i fill up i found once i started to use it after a few fills the motor had a diferent sound to it like more grunt on the hills
Jul 5, 5:58pm
Indeed they are. I have no evidence to suggest the Moreys makes a great deal of difference, but it certainly seems that it doesn't hurt. As above I think once I started using it she ran slightly better but could also just be confirmation bias!
Jul 5, 6:04pm
The first 10 posts in this thread are from the same poster
Jul 5, 6:18pm
Since new, i have always used 2 stoke oil as an additive in my navara, after reading about it being used by mercedes in all there vehicles on a tour of Europe (where they took there own tankers of fuel, due to sub standard stuff in some parts). Lost the link now sorry. Definitely noticed quieter injectors within first few km's, and truck just felt happier, and slightly better fuel consumption figures too , so almost pays for itself. (i use 330mls to 70 litres).
Wonder if it would also be of benefit for modern petrol engines? Reading link, perhaps a reason why i have never seen my dpf regen?
Jul 5, 6:22pm
I used some ashless 2 stroke oil in my peugeot 405 a few years ago. noticeably quieter but that was all really. Not to say it was or was not doing anything else, but the only thing that I could pick up was less 'diesel' noise.
Jul 5, 9:28pm
Ethanol is drinking alcohol. Methanol isn't because the human body breaks it down into formaldehyde & that will make you blind.
Methylated spirits' used to have Methanol in it, but meths drinkers went blind, then they put Pyridine into it and Homebake Heroin cooks distilled it out to make Homebake Heroin from Codiene tablets. So now its got a 'Bitrex' product in it that tastes terrible so people won't drink it.
I put some Acetone in my motorbike fuel Honda XL125, & it made a huge improvement. Tried it in a car & couldn't really tell.
BNT sold me some Purple injector cleaner for $4. That helped the Audi idle properly quite quickly. Though different petrol fillups do affect it as well. I tend to use Challenge petrol (or NPD if I can). Other petrols seem to have random results. The Audi 'pops back' under the bonnet (backfiring?) When I put the foot down suddenly, sometimes. Not sure why.
Jul 7, 12:42pm
2011 mondeo done 135k's and do exactly the same thanks to intrades advice years ago when i bought it. not 1 problem so far and hoping to get lots more km's out of it.
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