Hi all As above, is there a good way to clean the inside of my car’s fuel tank? I have dropped the tank and drained it, removed the sender and pipes etc. lots of rusty deposits inside. Very small opening so can’t really get in there with a brush. I am in Christchurch is there a firm that will do this?
Don't be like my old man. He use to restore old tractors, had one that had been sitting for years. Tank full of rust flakes. Thought he'd use mum's old tallus vac to suck out the dust and crap. Amazing how high the top half of those vacuum cleaners can go!
Jul 13, 5:11pm
Keerist post number four reminds me of an old fuller (popped his clogs now R.I.P.)
Anywayzzz Being an elder gent age wearies ya so rather than lift a twenty litre drum to fill his David Brown tractor with diesel he had a jug in the hay shed and his regime was to pour in to the jug and pour in to the tank. Albeit birds and haysheds and well zeee old fuel blockage probleeemo mmkay tank removal and heaps and f#2#k@2##n straw bits and major tank and fuel line clean
L M A O typing this as the look on his face when we were in the hayshed and zeee notorious jug was full of straw. Priceless
Pretty amazing fulla in his day but as age grew on him well. A few stories like that accumulated
Jul 13, 5:16pm
Make sure you do the complete process, very important or it will fail.
Jul 13, 5:17pm
Haha yeah. A chap at work had his kids put some stones into the fuel tank. He tried draining the tank but too big for drain hole. He had a brainwave. Out comes the wife's new vacuum cleaner. There was an almighty bang and when he recovered from the shock realised he was left holding the nozzle with tattered remains of hose attached. Cleaner in million pieces. His wife not too pleased.
Jul 13, 5:36pm
Can you buy this off the shelf in NZ?
Jul 13, 5:42pm
Yes. Various agents around the country for por15 products
One has been known to use white vinegar with good results
Jul 13, 6:18pm
Crazy as it sounds; remove tank, fill with 20 or so liters of water and a few hand fulls of assorted nuts and bolts, strap the tank onto a concrete mixer and give it half an hour. Reverse the tank 180 deg and give it another half hour - works a treat!
(My old man showed me that trick on my first car in the earl;y 70's).
Jul 13, 6:36pm
Now that's a good bit of kiwi ingenuity. Well done!
Jul 13, 6:57pm
If you don't have a concrete mixer, bungie cord a cheap orbital sander to the tank and leave it overnight. Then tip it over and repeat each side. Don't go too heavy on the media.
Also works great with a cake tin strapped to it as a small parts vibrator.
Oh. and your neighbors will LOVE you.
Jul 14, 1:49am
Couple handfulls of small crushed gravel from a driveway, bit of soapy water and shake the shit out of it for a few minutes. Wash and wash, bit of oily petrol so it does not rust,, done.
stick some chain in the tank with water & shake it around drum recycler used to use this method
Jul 14, 2:57pm
Phosphuric acid will take up residual iron dust & rust & clean up rust pits.
Nov 23, 10:02am
Stage 2 of the Por15 kit is this.
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