At the end of the day these vehicles are very heavy, some carry many souls (buses) and when things go wrong its very serious. I would like to think that these drivers and these trucks are professionally maintained and driven. A better system would be a system of compulsory mechanical service based on distance rather than time (signed off like aircraft) instead of this one size fits all COF. That way wear and tear and vehicle stress is kept in check, before all you anti police types go off, at the end of the day its user pays, I would rather pay more for transport that have my kids killed on their winter ski school trip because the piece of shit bus shouldn't be on the road. Vehicals like logging trucks, stock trucks need extra service because of the roads they travel on. The driver basically are puppets to their companies who are always pushing the boundaries and making it had for low milage owners.
Dec 17, 4:22pm
I bet if you checked the same number of cars to see if they were up to WOF standards the fail rate would be worst.
Dec 17, 6:28pm
Gor Blimey.
So all the non swing lift container trailers are pulled in to use to haul containers from Whangarei to Auckland. sheesh.
Like such a sad reflection on Line haul trucks and logging trucks.
"It's a challenging drive, it's not the best of roads compared to what they're used to . the average trip for containers from Auckland ports is around 30km, they're now going to be doing 140-150km one way on quite a challenging road that's got a few black spots.
"I hear through NZTA that they've got at least two resealing jobs going on. It's going to add to the time it takes to get the container back to Auckland, which will limit the number of trips."
"It's a challenging drive" - National Road Carriers chief executive David Aitken He says the period of the operation will depend on a number of factors, including the ability of Northport to load containers, road issues, and the number of vehicles that can be sent to Northport while still carrying out operations in Auckland.
Ah Dear road works and light faults.
Dec 18, 12:30am
me not igorant cos my pappy is a full wit
Dec 18, 12:48am
Remember that like most media stuff is to make things sound worse Than what the news is. If that makes sense.
Brake problems could be just brake imbalance witch is as bad as it sounds. Probably nothing wrong with the braking system.
Lighting problems well could be a marker light out or something stupid.
The media most times make the truck driver’s out as bad people.
Dec 18, 2:18am
this, when you’ve got a few dozen lights on trailer unit having one blown isn’t life threatening.
Dec 18, 2:24am
you must remember that it is only valid at the TIME of issue, after that up to the operator.
Dec 18, 2:30am
We have had a demerit point for one missing reflector. Was within a week of passing the COF. Was there at the time.
Will be on our record for 2 years.
Dec 18, 2:43am
Driver should check the truck each time before driving and should have picked up a missing reflector .
Dec 18, 3:57am
Agree a simple 15 min walk around,every operator should visually check tyres ,light's,brake lights,indicators,wheel nuts,or any damage done .,more than one operator may use the same vehicle ! Instead of leaving it to COF time to point out the obvious.
Dec 18, 4:25am
i agree but i also did read about other things they sortof will be fired if they say anything kinda thing is stories i did read in the last years. and then there was semanoff case. The media also never really published that one in the full light.
Dec 18, 4:26am
Personal responsibility is for poor people.
Dec 18, 4:30am
The first thing i was thinking as per my formed opinion about these revenue gathering thugs. They did try and find anything under the sun wrong on my van years ago when they had revenue gathering training center . looked at my tyres my windscreen wiper and then alcohol test was real pisssed to not be able to write a revenue invoice i could tell on the thugs face. The last 1.5 years i have not seen much of them but when i did read a police car got shot at the first thing i was thinking hmm they had that one come a long time. The media reported it as something else then what my first thinking was. but i can see how a truck is going to whipe out something and the mnedia will report it with guarantee as teero1stact. and trucks are banned as wapons and need to be all crushed and handed in.
"Twenty-two had serious faults and were given non-operational orders."
Dec 19, 11:16am
Well a WOF is the same,just an inspection at a point in time and its up to the owner or operator to ensure the vehicle is kept up to standard.
Dec 19, 11:24am
yea and a usless wof is 50 to 60 bux a usless cof is 300
Dec 19, 11:30am
Sounds like you are just a moaner who does not check their vehicles for faults before you drive them , Do you actually drive trucks regulary ?
Dec 19, 12:33pm
If you can explain how the ongoing compliance of a car can be guaranteed by the person that inspected it for the next year, go ahead. WoF's are a snapshot in time, they aren't and cannot ever be anything else. You're just jealous because theres no way you'd pass the criteria needed to become an inspector, which actually isnt that demanding for someone who has proper training, and a good and complete comprehension of vehicle safety systems.
Dec 19, 12:38pm
COF on my ute costs $160 every 6 months.
Dec 19, 1:44pm
Physic testers obviously. It's all crystal balls and car hoists in lala land apparently.
Dec 20, 3:25am
Do you actually issue WOF,s or have you ever.?More to the point do you actually know anyone who does them/?
Dec 20, 3:30am
Intrade issues opinions, most of which are useless.
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