intrade is getting shafted if he pays $300 for a ‘useless’ cof!
Dec 20, 3:44am
Now add the other 2 days a week, the other 3 hours and a second driver. Fonterra trucks do over 100000km a month here in Canterbury during the peak
Dec 20, 4:09am
work it out, that is an average speed of 133kph 24/7.
Dec 20, 5:26am
Read the post #53 again it infers to Fontera Trucks , not just one truck !
Dec 20, 5:32am
IF it was one truck and not the fleet that was being mentioned.
Dec 20, 6:32am
my mistake.
Dec 20, 6:53am
thats what a truck pays who transports concreet water tanks. not to mention the trip in wasted ruc to get to the remote location of thes cof places. 3 bux a km is not un'common per km to pay in ruc for a truck. we should have gold plated roads. check it your self doit online take a plate of a big rig and see what ruc costs.
Dec 20, 7:06am
in the peak all cars on the planet do 100 billion km a month lol. but only in the peak or in my delutions .
Dec 20, 8:06am
Isnt it the trucks that stuff the road condition ?
Dec 20, 10:25am
I see more plucking numbers out of the sky, highest RUC rate is like 41 cents per km for a truck.
Dec 20, 10:25am
Isnt it the trucks that pay the highest amount in RUC for that privilage?
Dec 20, 10:38am
do you actuarly read what i wrote. i said to check your self
Each unit for distance licences = 1000 K or 621 M. The minimum units that can be bought is 1. If you want to change the units, please delete the existing unit, and enter the units required.
RUC weight: 50
Purchase amount: $291.80 (Incl GST)
thats for 1000km . at that cost roads should be made of gold. You dont need to de surprised when truck transports have to charge horrendous prices to move goods as thats just the road user the government milks of trucks. diesel on top tyre maintainace driver wages . absolute emense costs all up.
Dec 20, 10:56am
Thats 29.18 cents per km, and actually isnt for a 50 tonne unit, as you cant put 50 tonne on one truck.
Dec 20, 11:00am
yes and it was suposed to be .3$ so i did not plug numbers out of the sky . its why i said to check your self clearly you also pay that empty as far as i know. In europe they have computers and a light on front screen to display they are loaded unloaded trailer on it etc. and i did read they wanted to introduce that here also years ago already but the morons wanted it for all diesel. As in europe diesel has the tax on fuel and the trucks just pay the add'on waight charges
I mentioned YOUR comment about ‘useless cof cost 300 bux’
A cof is not ruc
Dec 22, 3:07am
yea it deviates off . but my trick worked to get posts on the thread . i did think i try comedian cadogans way . Ps he has som real good video i make a new thread to discuss that Requires thet you watch his video in full.
Dec 22, 2:18pm
Out of the sky you say, bit further south I think.
Dec 22, 2:20pm
Dec 22, 2:20pm
Right right, it was all on purpose, the puppet master strikes again.
Dec 24, 10:01am
I intend to drive from Welly to Aucks early tommorow am. Will i encounter a large amount of trucks on the road or a large amount of cars on the road or neither ? 4am start.
Oct 6, 8:05am
I'd leave at 2am and make sure your on channel 11.
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