I agree Tony. I read a study recently that stated that the world prior to humans was in carbon deficit- too much carbon was slowly being locked away in underground oil deposits, permafrost and undersea methane deposits. Methane is 100 times worse for warming than co2.
Jan 31, 3:25pm
Methane is 0.00018% of the air and has a negligible effect on anything.
Over 99% of all near-surface carbon is now locked up in limestone and sediments at the bottom of the sea. It has been estimated that in 2 million years there would not be enough CO2 in the air for plants to grow properly, and all life would die.
Fortunately humans evolved, and now we are burning enough fossil fuels and making enough cement that the plants will be OK. This is not a joke. If you don't know all that, you are not qualified to discuss climate.
Jan 31, 3:27pm
Norway is a good place to start researching EV revolution.
Jan 31, 3:40pm
We need to ban clouds. They are seriously affecting the global climate.
Feb 1, 1:22am
We need to ban xspurts who do not address the real cause of the so-called problem
Feb 1, 1:55am
I believe that we do need to eventually wean ourselves off the oil teat, but I don't think it's the climate emergency that these boffins would like us to panic over. Humanity is a flash in the pan, really.
"Volcanically sourced pollution also has the potential to release as much carbon dioxide(CO₂) and sulphur dioxide(SO₂) during a single eruption than 250 years of anthropogenically produced pollution."
Feb 1, 2:54am
Why not ban all cars, we'll all be riding multi billion dollar railways by 2032.
Feb 1, 3:25am
why should we ban personal mobility to suit a false agenda?
Feb 1, 3:58am
The agenda: Complete control One family one house one family one EV No farms (except cropping) Total control over the people. Just my conspiracy theory for the day. Covid has turned out a good social experiment on how to control people and their movements.
Feb 1, 4:08am
A quarter of the 100,000 houses should have been built by then too. But without diesel diggers and trucks - the rest will progress very slowly.
Feb 1, 4:08am
34 its history repeating back when the romans ruled the flat earth. And global warming used to be blamed on the witches back then. its the same thing over and over War world domince. blame something world dominace WAr Climat change like the rain forrest that once was sorrounding Egypt.
Feb 1, 4:14am
Its a theory thats all. Scientists and statisticians who do these studies are usually influenced by who is paying the bills or are looking to justify their theory on what has or will occur based on existing knowledge. Remember the “peak oil” theory which was based on known oil deposits and the technology available at the time to extract it. Yes it will happen but the guys timeline was well off.
Feb 1, 4:15am
Yip the only thing that is certain given what we know about history, is that the climate will change.
Feb 1, 4:19am
what the real problem is plastics pollution so that whales have to go beach them selfs to die because they do not want to drown they breath air. is the only logical conclusion why they re-beach them selfs . Stopping real human made disasters. And not stopping you to be able to go to work in 2032 but hey we ban you from having transport and all is well .
And you don't think fossil fuels is used in cropping? We have a 310hp and 550hp tractors in WA as well as a combine for planting and harvesting wheat. Not to mention the road trucks to transport it to the rail facilities, then the trains to cart it to processing or shipping.
Feb 1, 4:55am
What the Govt is doing is 'Green Virtue Signalling'. And it's just a load of bullsh*t.
Whatever we are forced into by our Great Leaders will be a drop in the bucket - or less in the true scheme of things. WE won't make a difference.
Rome is burning in so many ways, Nero is fiddling, everyone is watching the show, and we are patting ourselves on the back for pissing on the fire.
Feb 1, 5:02am
What are you talking about? Unless you are disabled, you can ride a bike. Improves the health too. Not like the oversized mobility scooter that most cars are used for.
Why do you think we were given legs? To pedal of course!
Feb 1, 5:05am
According to a news item today the promise of cheaper electricity has already gone out the window as they were assuming that Tiwai point would close.A bunch of heads in the clouds theorists with no or little knowledge of the real world most of us live in.!
Feb 1, 5:07am
Feb 1, 5:08am
Back to the days of wheel barrows and picks and shovels.
Feb 1, 5:10am
just ban people. problem solved. everyone must self implode by 2032.
Feb 1, 5:31am
Go back to the early 1900s with horse and cart bicycles and pedestrians all owneing the road, people can use the horse dung as garden manure, a free resource, replan the whole infrastructure, and do away with traffic lights, build new cities while restricting the flow of immigration, it might work, and birth control is working and replacement leavels are well below, i doubt we would have another baby boom, sort this chaotic concrete jungle out, we can replace the decline in population with gdp growth and investment, think smarter not bigger, and get the old trade routs going again, focus on what we can manufacture and not what we cant, we desperatly need to increase our output, so we arnt running on immigration, alot of the increase in population is about more consumers, we wont need consumers if we export again and raise the gdp.
Feb 1, 5:35am
thie virus is having the potential to do just that. artificially kept alive humans who would otherwise have died are the ones who seem to now make loads of mutated versions . This is more dangerous then the zombis in Z world . you could see the zombis and you did know what ones would bite you as where this virus is invisble spread by morons who think its a hoax. people with immune suppressing drugs and hiv etc seem to make the super-versions Due to what the other drugs do making the virus change and mutate in the environment they are given by these drugs to keep them alive. is the latest that i did read and is plausible as the virus is just a key its not alive .
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