Population is static or declining in most of the developed world. Most population growth until 2050 will be in Africa- in fact by that point Africa is projected to be 50% of the world's population. Europe is going to be swamped when the food shortages hit.
Feb 1, 5:39am
The virus will do bugger all in the grand scheme of things, not even a drop in the bucket, the economy needs a rethink, i,me not totaly against immigration but its being used to prop up the service economy, if the virus knocked of half the worlds population we could still over populate nz, quite easily.
Feb 1, 5:42am
You do realise how much poo the average horse puts out, don't you? The automobile saved cities, they couldn't keep up with the horse shit mountains when cities were a tenth the size they are now. Horse carcases would lie in the streets for days too.
Feb 1, 5:43am
Not really bothered. if people have a problem with excess horce manure and rotting carcuses they can DO something about it themselfs, and not rely on authorities, this is where the fundamental problem begins.
Feb 1, 5:48am
How much Amazon rain forest is being destroyed,something like an acre a minute not to mention Indonesia.We are doing our bit building houses on what was pastureland.Look at what they now call Paerata Rise which up to a very few years ago was pasture but now getting covered with the usual houses ie Big 4 bedroom/2+ bathrooms on a pocket handkerchief size section with a tiny (if any) lawn and the rest concrete.
Feb 1, 5:49am
Again, local economics and monetary investment in these countries, and the destruction of there traditional lifestyle that has worked for them for centuries, its hard to backtrack once that starts, they will scream bloody murder, people pumping money into "investing" in these countries is where the blame lies.
Feb 1, 5:53am
You must lead a happy, reality free existence. Cities would fall apart if they went back to using horses.
Feb 1, 5:55am
People will quicky learn hard work and rolling up there sleves again, and they can employ a fulltime councel position for someone to hang the phone up on them.
Feb 1, 6:33am
Yeah, I can really see the suits shoveling shit-drifts in the morning so they can get their horse out of the garage. Not a chance that would ever work.
Feb 1, 6:35am
yeah you are right, brake,clutch, and go pedals.
Feb 1, 6:37am
5am in the mourning two hours before work in your rags will get the job done, that is a heap of time.
Feb 1, 6:37am
you found the problem, not sure of the solution though.
Feb 1, 6:39am
why are they predicting 10 billion people by 2050 then?
Feb 1, 6:42am
Remind me not to climb aboard the same dystopia you sail out on.
Feb 1, 6:46am
I have no idea, we have declining birth rates so we dont have that issue, like i said i,me not totaly against immigration but it is being used to prop up the service economy wich is where the problem lies, japan wich is very much a monoculture society and they will need to increase there immigration in the future how there economy is situated, because a large portion of there population is about to age and die of, the same as everywhere, so we need more infrastructure, but we cant exasperate the problem, so we need to plan for it, so we dont rely so much on numbers of people.
Feb 1, 6:47am
It will be less authoritarian wich is the point, no one is forceing you to shovel horse manure, now get to work so you can drive the prius out.
Feb 1, 6:52am
I've got an old Mondeo. It's better than a horse.
Feb 1, 6:53am
Feb 1, 6:55am
I dont know about africa but i herd that russia allso has an ageing population, some poorer countries might have higher birth rates and less older people, or currently developing ones, but there are others that are about to drop rather quickly.
Feb 1, 7:07am
I was under the impression it is not economically practical to shunt Manapouri power north and the market isnt big enough in the south to consume it. What i can see happening is power companies spilling water at times to keep the price up. As has happened in the past. So saying Manapouri power will be added to the grid and all will be well is wishful thinking
Feb 1, 7:16am
the people need to keep checks on price gouging, something we have cared very little about, like flipping properties is all been on maximizing value, we need to move away from this and create value not increase value at someone elces expense, if someone is price gouging i would recommend ringing them yourself and giveing them a blasting about it, no threats or anything but put the pressure on it, they will eventualy get sick of there dirty antics.
Feb 1, 7:26am
Or go by Stage Coach to Parliament and back home .They would be the biggest users of air travel of any MP not in government The".Do as I say,Not as i do" party.!
Feb 1, 7:34am
Actually there is no need for horses anymore, people can just use electric cargo bikes if they want to transport stuff around, and just normal bikes if they just have themselves to move.
This country has gone to the dogs if people are so weak now that they have to ride in oversized mobility scooters.
No wonder the health system is so overrun when people just sit in their mobility scooters and never actually use their bodies.
Feb 1, 7:36am
The thing is that the natural world will survive regardless of what happens, even with an extinction event that killed off the dinosaurs (we can thank them for our fuels). It would just take a few million years for biodiversity to flourish again.
Feb 1, 7:46am
That's a big generalisation. There's a lot of people who work hard physically. And I'm pretty sure many of them won't be interested in Pedaling to work. Hubby would tell you to F off.
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