It is the 45 KG gas bottles and town gas connections for water heating and kitchens which are being phased out, not 9kg gas bottles for BBQs. And they are being phased out. New buildings will run on electric, so nothing is being banned.
Feb 10, 6:37am
except freedom of choise.
Feb 10, 6:50am
ships / trucks / heavy machinery will still need to use deisel oil for the forseable furture so refineries still need to operate to produce it plus petrol for av gas & jet fuel . They will need recycling plants to extract the minerals out of the deplted dead batteries to make new ones , using electricity .as the lithium gets harder to find & extract
Feb 10, 7:32am
What is LPG Short answer? Liquefied Petroleum Gas is typically referred to by its acronym – LPG. LPG is mixture of flammable hydrocarbon gases that include propane, butane, isobutane and mixtures of the three LPG gases. LPG is commonly used for home heating gases, cooking, hot water, and autogas – fuel for LPG cars and vehicle. Or,
Feb 10, 10:03am
Well thats, natural gas?
Feb 11, 2:20am
Yes, like I said; there is always some reason why it is ok when the left do it.
Do as I say, not as I do.
Feb 11, 3:36am
Who is perfect? Noone. Doesn't mean that one shouldn't try to do better.
Feb 11, 6:45am
at what lying, BSing, cheating, taxing twisting facts, miss reporting. or name your poison. do you want to become a drone doing what you are told, not thinking, or challenging things you perceive to be rubbish?
Feb 11, 7:05am
Please be more civil.
Feb 11, 7:19am
Not unusual.
Feb 11, 7:22am
explain please?
Feb 11, 2:10pm
Looking through the window, most of these folk that think the world is coming to an end because I heat my food with LPG need counselling. To be so twisted, brainwashed, hood winked and loudmouthed, that they can control the outcome of the worlds temperature, are living in fairy land. shit that pile of tires that went up in smoke the other day in Canterbury and the car wreaking yard in Auckland that caught fire would definitely put the final nail in our coffins . For what it's worth, the dumb general public need to take a chill pill and focus on the bigger issue of our economic survival and just be a little more conservative on waste, use less nylon carpet, get rid of the pet cat and dogs, and stop the overseas travel - that would do more for our future than this nazi, ram down the throat climate bullshit.
Feb 12, 1:37am
+1, best thing i have seen here. well done.
Feb 12, 1:07pm
wind does not work in my cooker, and i find water is of less use, the sun has gone down by the time i get home on my bicycle to eat. wait, i stlll have a can of gas for my camp cooker, pass the can of cold soup over to the dreamers i will heat mine.
Feb 12, 2:24pm
Is this a scam to use more resources or something?
Feb 12, 2:57pm
Feb 13, 11:33am
yes it is about me and everyone else with a brain, answer this question, do you have pets, nylon carpet, fly in planes or travel for pure pleasure? then it's about you too, those pushing this change are more selfish than me because they are driven by control, greed, man made profit and don't understand flow on effects or basic logic, alway trying to reinvent the wheel when the wheel works fine.
Feb 13, 12:06pm
One should try to reduce ones impact, even if one isn't perfect.
One should not try to scam everyone into believing that everything is fine when clearly it isn't.
Feb 14, 1:34am
if your doom and gloom is fact and not a best guess based on masaged numbers, what is the finnish date please
Feb 14, 1:37am
add to the above the biggest problem we have is plastic solve that and i might join you and your band of dreamers.
Feb 14, 1:39am
one should try to be specific and not lecture at all.
Feb 14, 3:14am
Evs will come at the pace of oil supply ru ning out & getting very expensive no need to hit the population with a big stick . there will be thousands who wont be able to afford a new EV & who wants to buy a depleted used one . with limited life left in it
Feb 14, 4:06am
If anything, the availability of EV's will mean that oil supplies last longer, and less demand for petrol will force prices down not up.
Even if the NZ government does adopt the 3032 guideline, there will be lots of petrol vehicles in the fleet for 20 years+ after that date. And liquid fuels will remain available for sectors like marine, heavy vehicles, agriculture, generators, aviation, classic cars for many decades after that.
I am quite sure that the current government is aware of the regressive impact of hiking petrol taxes to encourage EV uptake. Hence stuff like clean car standard to encourage more efficient vehicles without needing to hike petrol taxes.
Re used EV's, Examples with actively cooled batteries (Kona, Ioniq, Tesla, i3 etc) seem to be on track to have a similar (cira 20 years) lifespan as combustion vehicles. Sure the range would reduce somewhat over that time, but a kona dropping form 450km to 350km of range at 15 years old will still leave quiet a usable car.
Feb 14, 4:50am
Petrol will become more expensive for a number of reasons- as demand drops, the enormous costs of exploration, extraction, refining and distribution will need to be shared across a dropping number of units. Government taxation will only increase to 'persuade' consumers to switch to ev's. Fossil fuel resellers will also have to put their prices up to cover overheads as they sell less units.
Feb 14, 4:59am
Your questions don't need to be answered, as CO2 has an infinitesimal effect on climate. Sure fossil fuel burning and cement manufacture has increased the amount of CO2 in the air from about 0.03% to 0.041%.
Over 99% of carbon is now sequestered in limestone and sediments at the bottom of the sea according to James Renwick, and unusually for me, I believe him.
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