Why bother with a V8 when you could drive an Alto and drink more beers?
Why bother wasting resources when you could do things more efficiently?
In fact why drive when you can probably ride?
Feb 7, 12:36pm
What if, like hubby, you don't really like beer but you do like V8's.
Feb 7, 12:41pm
Some people like V8's. Some people like to go on cruise ships. Some people like hot air balloons. Some people like to fly to Rarotonga. Some people like a big flat-screen TV. The 16 largest ships on the planet pump out more sulphur oxide than all the cars on the planet. If there really was a climate emergency, governments could : Insist all large ships find a cleaner method of locomotion. Compel China to stop building hundreds of new coal fired stations Fly free contraceptives to Africa (Where population is increasing the most). Invest in pyrolysis technology for removing waste. Stop rogue operators in India dumping rubbish trucks straight into rivers. etc etc. But governments only have one solution, pile taxes on the populace.
Feb 7, 12:42pm
And Altos do nothing for your masculinity, and neither does beer. But each to their own.
Feb 7, 1:39pm
Actually, we might have to take that beer off you, it's environmentally unfriendly. Here's a glass of room temperature water instead.
Feb 7, 3:08pm
Yes r/newzealand
Many of the posters here would be downvoted to oblivion though. Reddit's New Zealand section would have the Greens in a near majority if they were a representative of the voting population.
Feb 7, 3:26pm
Indeed. Amusing that his biggest local fan on these forums hasn't linked to this one. But then he's anti EV, a serious case of that cognitive dissonance mentioned in the video.
Feb 7, 3:29pm
That was a good video from Cadogan. Lots of pros and equally cons.
Feb 7, 3:54pm
Yes, everyone knows about Dunning/Kruger, sounds like you've just found out about it. There is so much information/ disinformation about anthropogenic climate change out there, that I've gone from a stout believer to someone who takes it all with a grain of salt. And if there is a climate 'emergency', why are none of the wealthy elite changing their lifestyle? Some of them are responsible for more emissions in a year than you would be over a lifetime.
It does appear that those with your point of view are winning. Follow the official narrative, use the correct pronouns, admit your privilege, heap scorn and insult on those who step out of line etc. Enjoy your fascist new world. I'll leave you to it, this conversation is well and truly wandering into the weeds.
Feb 8, 1:51am
if someone could give me, in percentages, the answer to these questions it would be useful. How much climate change is due to CO2? How much CO2 is man made? How is man making CO2? Is anything in the future definate or best guess?
Feb 8, 3:02am
Would you shit in your own living room because in 1000 years it won't be there any more? I doubt it, people have to live in it in the mean time.
Feb 8, 3:17am
So true.
NZ tries to be virtuous while the biggest polluters do diddly-squat. And the NZ efforts won’t reverse global warming.
Feb 8, 4:11am
Reddit's discussion on NZ related EV info is worthwhile for the inside story on many issues, without the ICE crowd trying to shout it down https://www.reddit.com/r/nzev/
Feb 8, 5:08am
Just live and let live
Feb 8, 5:10am
Don't trees - plants eat CO2 , so the issue is rain forests. and those cutting them down - not NZ
Feb 8, 6:38am
are you asking, or telling me? if asking, i refer you to the doom claimers,if you are telling me, i had my ears chewed off by suggesting the same thing. maybe ask the PM, she has climbed on the doom claimers bandwagon
Feb 9, 11:43am
I think that will still have to use some form of gas. What about BBQ bottles, used in cases of national emergencies? We got a gas BBQ some years back, just for that. I do understand its only an idea at the moment. Putting into law would be very difficult.
Feb 9, 12:26pm
save gas,fart in a jar
Feb 9, 12:54pm
i wonder what gas is used in barbeque bottles. any idea?
Feb 9, 1:07pm
I think this climate change denial is a big scam by people who perceive that any change to their lifestyle would be an inconvenience to them, whether it would actually be or not.
Feb 10, 2:11am
This isn't a peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary study, but it IS a photo of James Shaw the Minister for Climate Change, on Waitangi day, operating (oh no!) a gas BBQ.
There is always some reason why it's just different when our leaders and betters do it. Orwell's novels are documentaries. Four legs good, two legs BETTER!
Feb 10, 2:22am
How Mr Shaw and the rest of our climate change fighting govt travelled all the way up to Waitangi isn't disclosed.
One can only presume it was by bicycle, EV or on foot, because driving an internal combustion engine vehicle or flying in a gas turbine powered aircraft, the weekend after making "transformational" policy announcements that will affect everyone's lives in the name of environmental action, would be the height of hypocrisy.
Feb 10, 5:51am
Black and white thinking. Unless it is perfect there is no point trying? Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Is anyone actually banning gas BBQs? I doubt that BBQs are a major consumer of gas. They are not the main problem. Going on about BBQs is a red herring for the real issue.
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