Toyota Doomed

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neell, Feb 2, 9:27am
. and non cyclists don't?

allan_mac, Feb 2, 9:53am
I did not say they didn't. I was refuting the allegation that cyclists contribute "precisely nothing" to roading costs - they do contribute through local rates. Overall about 53% of local roading costs are funded through the National Land Transport Fund, which is funded by RUC, fuel excises etc. That leaves 47% funded by councils which are funded by local rates, and other charges.,transport%20services%20and%20cycling%20improvements.


Not to mention that many cyclists will also own and drive cars from time to time.

bitsnpieces2020, Feb 2, 4:49pm
From memory NZTA was spending more on cyclists in auckland, than the entire budget for the south island.

kestrel43, Feb 3, 4:22am
Prove it.

toenail, Feb 3, 4:36am
EV has always been a wealthy persons toy. Remember when the Prius came out, lots of movie stars started driving Prius to prove to the world they care about the environment. But they couldn't wait to jump on the Model S when it became available. Given the amount of tax subsidies, the wealthy was essentially getting a big discount on their Tesla's and basically didn't pay any tax on it.

tygertung, Feb 3, 4:50am
And bicycles don't screw the roads due to heavy weight, like cars do.

kestrel43, Feb 3, 6:37am
A bicycle weighs 20 kg, a typical NZ vehicle weighs 2000 kg, both mainly transport one person. The waste of resources is obvious.

toenail, Feb 3, 6:41am
No a typical midsize car is 1400kg kerb.

bill-robinson, Feb 3, 6:46am
try taking your family (if you have one) on holiday on your bike. you .the missus, and three kids, plus all the gear for a week away would be worth seeing. dreams are easy, being practical requires thought and planning.

harm_less, Feb 3, 9:30am
No ACC component in the registration of EVs either. It's called incentivising EVs over ICEs.

alowishes, Feb 3, 10:16am
He did say ‘mostly one person’

Which is mostly true at the roads works where I am.

Heaps of 7 seater SUVs with only the driver was inside them as they drive past.

tygertung, Feb 3, 10:50am
We will use the car for going on holiday, but around town, with the two kids, and all the shopping etc. we just use cargo bike.

Actually, it is much easier than car as you don't have to deal with traffic jams and parking issues.

bitsnpieces2020, Feb 3, 12:32pm

serf407, Sep 13, 11:18am