Chipping the diesel for more kW and Nm

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skull, Jan 24, 3:11am
Finally got to do a decent road trip, $40 of diesel from Te Atatu Sth to New Plymouth including 50 km running around in New Plymouth. That's at $1.16 per litre. Air con on 100% of the time and a fair bit of waiting at road works on SH3. Can't sniff at that when you're in a reasonable size lump of luxury with 280kw and 750 newtons. Average fuel use on the onboard display is sitting on 8.4L per 100km which is pretty much what it used to sit on before the remap that added the 50kw and 130 newtons. I think this will be a keeper for me, it looks like the 3 litre diesel is no longer in the BMW X3 range so I'd struggle to repeat the size economy and power in a new replacement.

differentthings, Jan 24, 4:30am
lol. Isn't that the kettle calling the pot black.

intrade, Jan 24, 5:16am
41 no not if you understand what i actually say

differentthings, Jan 24, 6:52am
this is the part I was referring to lol
"ok you are a bit of a person who knows everything better from what i recall."

intrade, Jan 24, 3:20pm
43 did you look at the bmw they know how to tune and they blew it up. if you have money to waste then yea go blow some bmws and others up. Did you see the vag diesels not one have they blowen up. and they show problems if you watch that video then you would see that i dont know better thats what people do and then claim it never blowen up. is what he hinted at in the video.

differentthings, Jan 25, 12:33pm
No I don't want to watch your you tube videos. As I have better things to do.

bigfatmat1, Jan 25, 1:40pm
I am interested to know how someone can tell if its been remapped? Especially straight away?

smallwoods, Jan 25, 4:54pm
If not "caned" should be no difference in any mechanical parts.

smallwoods, Jan 25, 4:56pm
DPS will reset any service dealer resets, free of charge.

smallwoods, Jan 25, 5:00pm
Colorado improved economy by approx .5/100kms.

skull, Sep 29, 2:31pm
I waited until the X3 was out of warranty before getting the ECU chipped, I really regret waiting now, should have done it at the beginning. It's almost a weapon now and it wasn't a slug to start off with. Next fine Sunday there's going to be a road trip. If you have a modern reputable brand diesel I highly recommend letting Peter at Superchips at it. Just check on what extra is available before you get carried away though, when I had the Kuga there was only 15 kW up for grabs so I didn't bother.

intrade, Sep 29, 2:40pm
ok you are a bit of a person who knows everything better from what i recall.
x3 you talk bmw i guess . i know what happend to the bmw that got chipped by real professionals . Non of there vag ever blew up . Right then that guy is the owner of darkside developemnt and he has extensive chip tuning videos as to what matters and what the dangers are.
i got that same bora as darkside tuned howver my one is just egr deleted and solid mass flywheel VAG are engeneerd for racing they won lemans with that tdi audi .
So yea good luck you need plenty.

nesta129, Sep 29, 3:03pm
I love the Darkside Development videos,didnt think anyone else on here watched them but its full of information.

skull, Sep 29, 3:25pm
I didn't go mental Intrade, I had it chipped for a bit extra, not as much as possible. I now have as much grunt out of it as BMW normally screw out of the M50d which is the same engine. They can chip the M50 d up a bit too so I expect there is a way to go before it becomes a hand grenade.

s_nz, Sep 30, 4:44am
Did you get a LVV cert plate for the engine chipping? if not, the vehicle is no longer road legal.

"Note 2
LVV certification is always required for the fitting of a supercharger or turbocharger as a modification, or the upgrading of a supercharger, turbo or wastegate, or the re-chipping of electronic engine control units on turbo vehicles."

I think a number of chip vendors omit to mention the need for LVV certification. But there seems to be minimal enforcement of the above, so it has worked out OK for them to date.

marmar1, Sep 30, 5:21am
Don't you also have to inform your insurance company if you modify your car?

intrade, Sep 30, 5:33am
yea dont go in to details because otherwise you find out that getting out of bed in the mornings is also illegal now.

saki, Sep 30, 7:00am
I have been trying to get hold of Peter from superchip via his web site but dont get any response, did he do yours through the OBD port or did he have to remove the ECU and how long did the process take?

loose.unit8, Sep 30, 7:03am
lol what a waste of time piece of law. How would they even know

3tomany, Sep 30, 7:44am
On modern high pressure rail engine i would never consider playing with the fuel mix as the repairs are in the tens of thousands if it goes bad. Just not worth the risk i recon.

skull, Sep 30, 11:07am
On mine it was about a 2.5 hour process via the port. He was showing me photos of how it needs to be done on some vehicles and it's really involved and complicated with probes onto the ECU. Most of the time was online from the port to his computer then hot spot on his phone to Italy I think he said. They verify my vehicle info and then return back to him a file to his computer. The file is then inspected and verified electronically to be complete and then uploaded through the port into my ECU. That last part was about 30 minutes. Freephone O8OO89 CHIPS

skull, Sep 30, 11:10am
Don't worry 3tomany I wouldn't let you anywhere near it.

saki, Sep 30, 11:58am
Thanks for that response, Superchips has been around for years, remember reading about them in Cars and car conversions.

skull, Sep 30, 12:20pm
The Jeep is actually cheaper than the X3 base price by $15k but honestly it's not really only about the horsepower. The Jeep is far bigger than I would wish to own and the miles we do would would not really be affordable at the fuel consumption the Jeep has. We get around 950km out of a tank of diesel good luck getting that out of the Jeep. I'm not expecting the remap to cost me any noticeable amount in fuel.

skull, Sep 30, 12:23pm
If you have no success with the o8oo then ask me on one of my listings and I'll give you his cell or email address.