Evs safer for cyclists according to green mp

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tygertung, Jun 22, 7:51am
Well you might say that the roads are bad in Northland, however I spent a couple of weeks touring all around Northland in a Suzuki Swift and found the roads to be in much better condition than here in Christchurch. Our Lancer wagon has done over 240K on the original suspension so it doesn't seem to wear out that fast.

3tomany, Jun 22, 7:57am
Either you are full of crap or you did that road trip prior to this government.

tygertung, Jun 22, 7:59am
No it about was three years ago. Have the roads seriously deteriorated since then?

3tomany, Jun 22, 8:08am
Like you can not believe. I am talking holes that even at 30kmh you still bottom out a car and it hurts to navigate in a ute. That is state highway 12. 16 and 14 are a disaster zone. Road works signs to slow down get put on permanent poles now.

saki, Jun 22, 9:08am
legitimate use going to the pub to get a 12 pack to put in the back, fair use I would say.

tygertung, Jun 22, 9:20am
Use bicycle, put in back pack, avoid potholes.

annie17111, Jun 22, 9:35am
if we leave them on the lawn then the kids and the dogs play they bring it inside. We do have a little trailer as well but haven't used it in a long time.
Single cab ute is really handy for being able to throw stuff on the back.
We live in a small town and always seem to be carting something around. Our hobbies involve cars and motorbikes so have vehicles that suit that.

3tomany, Jun 22, 9:44am
No no no it is way to hard to avoid pot holes while drinking a beer, way better to save one eye for cyclists and pedestrians and not worry about the pot hole. You can drink one beer while driving home especially if you have a ute.

saki, Jun 22, 11:29am
Just watch your teeth if you drive on route 53.

bitsnpieces2020, Jun 22, 3:58pm
I'd say the most likely cause of an accident is when the cyclist doesn't know how close a car is behind them, and turning thier head, usually means the bike turns a bit with the effort. Much worse I'd have thought with near-silent EV's

pico42, Jun 22, 4:29pm
It implied no such thing. You inferred it. Incorrectly as it happens.

tygertung, Jun 22, 4:51pm
Don't drive so dangerously close to people when overtaking them.

3tomany, Jun 22, 5:11pm
Funny story but you are correct. A few years ago my daughter bought a bottle of v at a servo and as i pulled out a car pulled out in front of me. I was doing about 10kmh but the sudden stop i had to do broke my daughters tooth on the v bottle. Those glass bottles are dangerous. When i go on piss trips i always buy cans.

bumfacingdown, Jun 22, 7:18pm
But the cyclists are wobbley because they can get more than one beer down on the way home, being slower than the ute and all that

annie17111, Jun 22, 8:27pm
you should see our town in summer with all the drunk cyclists travelling to the wineries, in surprised no one has been run over yet.

nice_lady, Jun 23, 2:59am
cyclists have indeed been killed because of this exact scenario. Just shows how dumb they are. No mirror ? Doh !

bitsnpieces2020, Jun 23, 3:32am
but officer, i wasn't dangerously close, they swerved towards me!

socram, Jun 23, 4:58am
LOL. Sounds like a group of our friends!
However, they all seem to be shifting to electric bikes as a) old age has got
to them b) too many replacement knees.

Surely, whether pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, EV drivers, ICE drivers, buses and truck drivers, ALL have a responsibility to be aware of what is around them and also show some consideration?

Kiwi arrogance on the road and a lack of concentration, awareness and courtesy are the real issues.

gazzat22, Jun 23, 6:11am
Has she ever had an original thought.?This was stated many years ago and particularly referred to utes with bars attached like" Roo" bars in Australia If you are going to be hit on the road best choice is a pushbike if you have a choice?

gazzat22, Jun 23, 6:17am
Maybe you should return to live in England.The only thing that controls trafffic there is the sheer volume if other cars on the road.

joanie32, Jun 23, 9:55am
I take it you’ve never seen someone “roll over the bonnet” and through the windscreen?

Trust me

There is no preferred vehicle to be hit with

joanie32, Jun 23, 10:03am
Did you really need a Suzuki swift?

Why didn’t you use a bicycle?

With a trailer if you needed extra room?

Seems like illegitimate use of a motor vehicle.

tygertung, Jun 23, 10:04am
No I have not, but it would be difficult to get someone to go through the windscreen. I tried to break the side window of a wrecked car I had once, to see how hard it was. I really had to wack it pretty hard with a large powerbar. It bounced off the first few times, and that was a concentrated area of force.

Windscreens are laminated and much stronger than a side window, and people are quite soft, so it would be difficult for someone to get through from the outside.

joanie32, Jun 23, 10:13am
I have seen it

Many many times

The whole person doesn’t go through

Just bits and pieces of them

annie17111, Jun 23, 11:14am
side windows are smaller so probably harder to break. Just double checked with my 12 yr old and he said the same. He's broken a few windscreens and side windows as part of his derby car hobby.