Engine noise. Sound file attached

pete_iam, Oct 3, 7:37pm
Only rattles when hot. Quiet when non operation temp.
Lose timing chain?

tamarillo, Oct 4, 2:14am
What is it?

desmodave, Oct 4, 3:25am
How about opening the bonnet so we can see what we are looking at . Have you had a look to see if any thing is lose . Does noise raise with the rev's ? have a feel of the power steering pump pully play or , if its not electric like . No doubt its been fixed before by some1 on here . Big help would be know what it is , could be a common problem .

lythande1, Oct 4, 3:31am

msigg, Oct 4, 5:34am
Yea loose timing chain does sound like that. As you rev it the sound should change/go away, does not sound good. Above questions are relevant.

bill-robinson, Oct 4, 5:56am
go and see your mechanic, let him listen and give real advice.

kazbanz, Oct 4, 8:02am
Theres a number of possibilities--bonnet open theres a chance it could be figured out.

nice_lady, Oct 4, 11:11am
Put the handle of a screwdriver in your ear and the other in on the engine in various places be careful where you place it of course it will work like a stethoscope and help you identify where the noise is coming from and hear it more clearly

mrfxit, Oct 4, 12:07pm
Strongly reminds me of a Hyundai Lantra loose timing chain slapping on the guard rail just above the chain.
Sounds bad but not really.

mrfxit, Oct 4, 12:09pm
Just don't "borrow" a screw driver from the wifes tool kit
If she slaps ya other ear while you listen to the noise . >>>. . . .(o)

nice_lady, Oct 4, 12:12pm
The wife has a tool kit?
Dangerous !

mrfxit, Oct 4, 12:15pm
So's the thought of that random slap at the wrong time

smallwoods, Oct 4, 12:42pm
Especially if you have the screwdriver back to front!

bill-robinson, Nov 11, 4:49am
but the plastic insulates the spark from my head