Do I call a dealer or a wrecker?

raisintoast11, Jul 26, 1:14pm
I have a 2001 Honda Odyssey. There was nothing wrong with it when I stopped driving it 2 years ago. Since then the battery went flat, the tyres have gone flat (two probably need replacing). It is deregistered. I don't have the money to re-register, do warrant and replace the tyres and battery. Should I advertise to see if anyone wants it or is this something you call a wrecker for, for parts? Thanks for your advice

franc123, Jul 26, 1:25pm
Dollar reserve it. Wreckers arent particularly interested in stuff that old, if it's got a good motor or trans in it someone may be interested in it for spares.

raisintoast11, Jul 26, 1:26pm
thanks franc123

budgel, Jul 26, 2:06pm
If you can have it running when you put it up for sale, so much the better!

kazbanz, Jul 26, 3:37pm
Pump the tyres up get it running and advertise it on here or you will virtually pay to have it taken aeay

sw20, Jul 27, 4:11am
Yep, by not putting the registration on hold when it ran out you have turned a $2000 car into scrap. Only way to get some value back is to make sure it runs by jump starting battery and making car drivable for potential purchasers.

yz490, Jul 27, 5:54am
I had two cars picked up by the scrap last week, one minus motor & one minus almost everything, was just a bare shell & got $175 the pair. Clean & easy except the Glass made a mess as the grab thing picked it up but i was ready for that.

raisintoast11, Jul 27, 10:40am
Do you mind telling me who you called please?

raisintoast11, Dec 16, 8:49am
Yes, I didn't know about that option and it was really far behind in registration fees. Thanks.