Battery problem

wron, Mar 26, 3:15pm
We went away for a week, and a front door was left ajar, so battery is flat. I have an unused charger bought from an auto electrical firm (Power Train 7 stage PTC12V12A7SL) but it needs to know what type of battery before starting to charge using a selector button, choices seem to be Gel, lead acid or calcium.
I don't know what type of battery it is, doesn't say on the top like in my other car.
I discovered this after the retailer (Batterytown in Morrinsville) was closed.
It says NS40ZLPP and Batterytown on the top, can't read the side without lifting out. Can anyone help please? Car is a Corolla 1.8 variant.

intrade, Mar 26, 3:19pm
calcium look om front should say calcium otherwise lead acid

gpg58, Mar 26, 3:22pm

wron, Mar 26, 3:26pm
Thanks Intrade. So I'll need to unbolt and lift out to check, can't read everything without doing this, sees to be a lot of danger warnings on a big sticker and another corrosive sticker.

bitsy_boffin, Mar 26, 3:40pm
The link that gpg posted says it is a calcium battery.

intrade, Mar 27, 6:48am
you could whack it on lead acid it charges slight lower then calcium. but i would say over 90% battery sold as normal battery are calcium now the calcium is a coating on lead acid plates . there is as good as never a seald lead acid sla in a normal car. Hybrids have AGM BATTERY.

ginks, Aug 29, 1:42am
Start with jumper leads and take it for a drive and that will charge the battery.